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"Well-" I paused and thought to myself. "I was just out and about and Siri accidentally called you and here I am." I smiled nervously.

"But-" she accidentally spat out a piece of food. I tried to ignore it, but it landed on my leg. "Sorry," She said, flicking it off. "What about your bag?" She said.

"Oh, I was planning to uh- go camping."

"By yourself?"

"The person I was going with didn't show up."

"Oh, well that sucks."

She scooted up to the top of the bed and leaned her back against the back of the couch.

(BTW this is what I'm talking about if you're confused)

She patted the mattress beside of her, motioning me to come sit by her

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She patted the mattress beside of her, motioning me to come sit by her. I kicked off of my shoes and made my way across the mattress.

"Wait," She started. "Who goes camping at 4 am?"

"I left earlier."

"But you stayed out? Why didn't you go home?"

"I- uh fell asleep at the park- while waiting for the other person."

"Oh, well. Darn." She said as she took another bite of her McChicken.

"Get one." She said, motioning to the bag.

I reached down and grabbed the one she gave me earlier and went back to my spot. I crossed my legs and unwrapped the sandwich.

It was very poorly assembled. The lettuce was everywhere and the buns were squished.

I took a bite. It tasted better than it looked.

* * *

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of Rachel lightly snoring. She was cuddling a cushion. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I heard ruffles of paper under the blankets at the foot of the bed.

I lifted it, revealing loads of wadded McDonald's wrappers and two empty chocolate milk bottles.

I looked back at Rachel who was still asleep. I felt a buzz in my pants.

I pulled out my phone which was blown up with missed calls and text messages.

47 missed calls from Mam.

52 new messages from Mam.

34 messages from Unknown Number.

24 missed calls from Unknown number.


1 new message from Cashier Boy.

I quickly unlocked my phone.

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now