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"Amy?" I heard Mom lightly knock on the door before entering.

I closed my eyes tight, pretending to be asleep to avoid being talked to.

Mom walked in and looked around. I heard her footsteps headed in my direction. I felt the bottom part of my bed sink down.

"Amy, honey? Are you okay?" I didn't answer. "Are you sleeping?" She asked. Still, no answer. "I'm sorry about earlier today if you're mad at me about that. I just really don't appreciate being lied to." I listened to her, but still remained silent. She reached up and patted on the side of my leg before getting up and saying "I'll go now. Goodnight, I love you sweetie." Then, she left and I opened my eyes.

I was alone once again. In the dark. With no desire to do anything. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I didn't feel like walking or getting up or going anywhere. I didn't feel like thinking. I only wanted to sleep. Sleep makes everything better. I closed my eyes.

* * *

I was sitting alone. In a dark room. I didn't recognize this room. I've never been in here before.

I was sitting on the bed. It was covered in a beautiful royal blue bedspread. The headboard had extremely fancy designs, carved into wood, with silk blue sheets draping over it.

I was wearing a short black dress, my shoulders and thighs exposed. I was wearing a pair of black wedged heels. I had pearl earrings in, and my brown hair was curled and pulled back on one side.

I had my legs crossed. My hands were the only support of keeping my balance, both gripping the soft bedspread behind me as I applied all pressure to my wrists.

I got up and started walking around the room. It was full of cobwebs and creepy things. I saw a mirror. My face was covered in makeup. I've never really seen myself with this much makeup on before. I had on really dark lipstick.

I was looking at my hair when I noticed a little red spot on my neck. I moved my hair out of the way and looked at it closer in the mirror.

"A hickey?" I thought.

It couldn't be a hickey. "Who would've given me a hick-" I was cut off when I heard the door open behind me. I stared at it in the reflection of the mirror.

It was Jack. The sight of him made me sick.

I turned, facing him.

He looked g r e a t .

He was wearing a black suit with a tie. His hair was perfect.

"Hey," he said, loosening his tie, then removing his jacket and throwing it carelessly on the bed. He stared into my eyes the whole time. A smirk was permanently plastered on his face. "You look great."

He made his way closer to me. I looked up at him and stepped back but that didn't stop him getting closer.

"Leave me alone." I growled.

"But why, love?" He asked. I was now cornered. Jack rested his hands on my hips and looked down at me.

I avoided making eye contact with him.

He rested his forehead on top of my head and rocked us side to side.

He moved one of his hands off of my hip and moved himself even closer to me. He put his hand up to my chin and turned my head.

"Look at me, beautiful." He said to me. I didn't even attempt to break away from him anymore. There was no point. I couldn't escape him anywhere.

I looked at him. His eyes were so green. He lifted my chin and kissed me.

Then he kept kissing me.

And kept kissing me.

And kept kissing me.

I tried not to enjoy it.

But I couldn't help it. I finally gave in and kissed him back.

We were interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

"Jack?" I heard a girl's voice call. "Jack are you in here?" She said, finally walking in. She was blonde. Her eyes a bright blue. She was tanned and her makeup was perfect. She was dressed in a solid red two-piece. The skirt was long and flowy on one side, and short on the other.

Jack removed his hands from my hips and stepped away from me.

"Jack? What are you doing up here? And who is that?" She asked, crossing her arms, looking very grossed out by the sight of me.

"Gracie, chill, I'll be down there in a second. This is my friend Amy." He said directing to me.

She gave me another nasty look. I swear the next time she does that, I will indeed make her cheeks redder than all of that blush could ever do.

I looked at Jack, who looked back at me.

"I'll see you later, Amy. It was nice talking to you." He waved then walked to Gracie, putting his arm around her waste. She shot him a fake smile, then exited after giving me yet another disgusting look.

I clutched my fists. (LOL ARTHUR MEME) She made me so angry.

I looked at myself in the mirror once again.

"Ew." I said in disgust. "No wonder he chose her over me."

I pointed out all of the flaws in my face. Every. Single. One.

"I can't look at this anymore." I said to myself.

I was never as insecure about myself than I am right now. She was actually p e r f e c t .

I threw myself onto the bed and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to prevent the tears from coming out. It didn't help. The tears were like rain. More than just rain. It was like a thunderstorm.

There was a glass of water on the nightstand. I looked at it. It had a red lipstick stain on one side. Suddenly, the water started moving. Everything was moving. The entire house was moving.

I heard someone downstairs yell, "I'm shook!" Hoping to get a laugh, but no one did. I heard another person yell "Earthquake!".

The house was filled with screams of all pitches, including myself.

* * *

A/N: So how do you guys feel about this side of Jack?

Don't forget to vote and comment (:


Much love ❤️

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now