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My breath was soft and my back was aching. I slowly opened my eyes. My Dad was there, looking over at me.

"Amy!" He whispered.

I tried to sit up, but it hurt so bad.

"No no, sweetie, just lay back down." I ignored what he said and sat up all the way.

I looked around at my surroundings. I was home. In my room.

I looked at my dad, his eyes were red and puffy.

"Why am I here? How did I get here?"

"Shhhh. I'll be right back." He said, kissing my forehead, and softly stroking my hair.

He walked out the door and closed it behind him.

I felt for my phone in my pockets, realizing I didn't have pockets. I slowly pulled the blanket off of me, sucking air between my teeth.


I was wearing a dress.

How did I get here? Why am I wearing a dress? Why am I so sore?

The door creaked and my Dad appeared from behind it, my Mom following.

As they reached my bed, Mom asked "How are you feeling honey?"

"Sore. What happened?" I asked.

"There was an earthquake and you were hit with a beam that fell. Some kid carried you home. He said it was his fault. He was crying and repeatedly apologizing. I told him to beat it." Dad replied.

"You WHAT?!" I screamed. It hurt to scream. I instantly regretted it.

"It was his fault that you were almost crushed so I told him to leave."

"WHY?! NO! IT WASN'T HIS FAULT." I screamed again.

"He said it was his fault. How would you remember?"

"It wasn't his fault!" I repeated.

"I'm sorry Amy, I don't want you around people who are going to hurt you."

"Jack didn't hurt me!" I yelled.

"Look at yourself Amy! You're in pain right now, it's that kid's fault!"

"It's not. HIS. FAULT!"

"I think it's best for you to not hang out with him anymore."

"You can't do that!"

"I can."

"Mom!" I whined.

"I'm sorry sweetie." She replied.

"I'm not gonna stop hanging out with Jack! I'm okay!"

"Amy, no, you're not. You're hurt. It can happen again." Dad said.

"I'm fine! Jack did nothing but try to protect me!"

"He did a pretty bad job at it!"

"Well.... You're doing a pretty bad job at being a parent."

It hurt me to say it but I was so angry at him.

He paused at those words.

"I've changed my mind, Dad, I think it's time for you to leave."

* * *

Jack's POV

I arrived at home. Everyone was asleep. The same words replaying over and over again.

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now