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Once I got home from school, my phone vibrated. It was a text from Jack.

I can't today, sorry, I have plans. Maybe some other time.

I actually wanted to slap him.

Instead I replied with:

Oh, okay, well maybe some other time, or me know when you're free.

I exhaled sharply, locked my phone and threw it on my bed. What could he even be doing?

"Amy!" I heard my Mom call from downstairs. I rolled my eyes before walking out the door. From the top of the stairs, I could see the figure of a man.

I really hope that isn't Jack.

"Amy!" Mom called once more.

"Yeah, Mom, I'm here." I said in a lazy voice.

The man turned, revealing his face.

It was my Dad.

They were gonna make me decide now. I've had a while to think.

He said he had changed, but did he really? He did save me from getting in trouble about the car.

I think I knew what my answer was gonna be.

I reached the bottom of the stairs, and turned into the living room, facing my parents.

My Dad smiled at me.

"Amy," Mom cleared her voice, awkwardly. "Do you still need more time to think or do you have your answer?"

I looked at my Dad. He looked very anxious, his hands holding his face.

"I've been thinking about it. I have a solid answer."

They both looked at me.

"Which is?" Mom asked.

"Yes." I replied.

Dad jumped up to his feet and screamed with joy. He ran up to me and hugged me tight. I awkwardly patted him on the back.

He stepped back to look at me. He had tears streaming down his face.

"I love you so much, princess." He told me, another tear falling. He hugged me again. "Thank you so much, you won't regret this." He said, sobbing.

He pulled away and wiped his tears.

I looked at my Mom who couldn't help but smile.

"Well I have to leave for work." Dad says, hugging me once more. "I'll see you guys later."

"Bye." My Mom and I say in sync.

After he left, Mom headed straight to the kitchen and I went back upstairs to my room.

I jumped into my bed and picked up my phone. I needed to know what was going on. Why was Jack so busy?

I couldn't ask him, that would be too obvious. I closed my messages and we now facing my homescreen.

There was a photo of Michael Clifford and Luke Hemmings in stage, facing each other, playing their guitars.

I saw a little red square with a 1 in it pop up on the FaceBook icon.

I didn't know what it was, so I clicked it.

Jack Thompson sent you a friend request.

I gasped and quickly clicked on his profile.

"Jack?" I murmured to myself.

Jack never really told me his last name. He barely remembered to tell me his first name.

The page loaded. It wasn't Jack. Well, it was Jack, just not my Jack. Well, my Jack isn't really my Jack I think. You know what I mean.

The profile picture showed an old couple. The old man, who I'm assuming was Jack, had his arm around the old lady and they were both smiling really wide at the camera.

I started scrolling through his feed. It was basically just photo's he was tagged in and minion memes that weren't ready funny.

Doing that gave me the idea. I could find out more about Jack by finding his FaceBook. Not necessarily stalking, more like, finding some useful information.

I clicked the search bar at the top and typed "Jack". I wasnt quite sure what to put after that. Maybe a key word. Something Jack says a lot.

I finally typed "Jack sick". I hoped this worked. It finally loaded and all I saw were a bunch of Jack's posting about being sick.

Then I came across one.

This guy who's name was Mikey Cobban. He posted a status saying that he and some guy named Brooklyn were enjoying a game they were watching.

Someone named Jack commented "Sick, what channel?"

I clicked on his page.

"Jack Duff" I read.

The profile picture was a black and white photo of a boy holding a skateboard. It was definetly Jack. He looked hot.

I 'accidentally' saved the photo and started scrolling down his feed

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I 'accidentally' saved the photo and started scrolling down his feed.

I stopped when I saw a photo of Jack and a blonde girl. Their cheeks were touching, her eyes were closed and she was smiling really wide, revealing her perfectly white teeth. Jack was doing a little smirk.

Looking at this photo physically hurt me.

This was posted earlier today.

They were just friends. Jack wouldn't do this. He's not like that.

I looked at the caption which was " <3 ".

That doesn't mean anything. Friends can still love each other. If they were dating there would've at least been a better caption.

I shook it off, then scrolled once more.

Right below I saw something that made my heartbeat slower. My breath, shorter and softer. My stomach dropped. My cheeks turned really hot. I didn't blink.

"Jack Duff is in a relationship with Gracie Martin."

My phone dropped from my hands, onto the floor.

I stared at the wall. I didn't even feel like crying anymore. I didn't feel like doing anything anymore.

"Amy? What was that?" I heard Mom yell from downstairs.

I picked up my phone, without looking at the screen I turned it off and threw it in my nightstand drawer.

I then curled up into a ball at the top corner of my bed and pulled the blankets up over my head.

Tonight was gonna be a long night.

* * *

A/N: Writing this chapter actually hurt me. I'm sorry guys, what do you think about the new relationship so far? Do you ship Jacie? Do you still ship Jamy? Lemme know what you think (:

You guys are actually spoiled. 3 updates in one day, but you deserve it, thank you so much again for getting this book to 1k, I love you all so much. <3

Much love 💛

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now