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"OoOooOh PDA in the backseat!" Rachel exposed, turning around. "I was wondering why you two got so quiet." I jerked away, quickly, realizing what I was doing. I pulled my hands loose from his.

The tingling started fading. I wanted more, but at the same time, I didn't.

Jack looked into my eyes like a sad puppy.

My mind said Kiss him again.

My heart said He doesn't love you, don't waste your time.

This was one of those moments when you have the devil on one shoulder and an angel on another. I know I should always listen to the angel. The problem was: I didn't know which was which.

I looked away from his eyes, cleared my throat, and scooted away from him.

I let out a quiet shaky sigh. My nose was burning and my eyes wear started to water. I felt my entire face turn hot.

Suddenly, I felt a soft, gentle touch on my hand. It startled me so I jerked it away and looked up.

Jack was sitting close to me.

"What's wrong?" He whispered softly enough to where only I could hear him.

I shook my head.

"Look at me." He whispered again, pulling my hair back and putting it behind my ear.

"No. Go away." I whispered. My voice was so broken. I don't know why I'm breaking down about this right now. As these words escaped my mouth, the trapped years escaped.

Luckily, we were only a couple minutes away from my house. I stayed turned to the window the rest of the way there.

Mikey pulled up in front of my house. As soon as the car stopped, I opened the door as quickly as I could.

"Byyyyyye!" Rachel yelled. I just waved and closed the door. I walked into my home at a quick pace, almost running. I pounced into the stairs, into the wooden porch, then twisted the doorknob and stepping inside.

I ran upstairs, straight to my room. Gently pushing the door closed, then finally relaxing, I went to my bed and crawled under the blankets and closed my eyes.

A few moments later, I heard my window open. My eyes shot open but I didn't move. Slowly, I started gradually moving my hand out to grab something from my nightstand. Once I grasped a solid object, I waited a few seconds.

Unexpectedly, I felt a hand grab the blanket and yank it off of me. I immediately threw the object at the figure standing over me.

"Ahhhhh!" The figure whisper-screamed, holding their hands up to their face. "Why did you do that?"

"Jack!" I whisper-screamed back. "Why are you here?"

"Because...." he said, then paused and changed the subject. He bent down and picked up the object that I threw at him. "Why did you hit me with a hairbrush?"

"Because you have literally just broke into my house! Why are you here and how did you get up here?"

"Through the window, I climbed up a ladder that I found just laying around near your driveway."

"Once again, may I ask, why are you here?" I sassed, crossing my arms.

He bit his lips and furrowed his eye brows, his facial expression showing hesitation.

Suddenly, he stepped forward and pressed his lips against mine. I uncrossed my arms and he grabbed my wrists and pushed me down into the bed gently. I was a bit tense at first, but the moment after I sunk into it, he pulled away.

I looked at him. He stared into my eyes and grinned. That little grin gave me butterflies. I smiled back for a second, then it faded.

I pushed him off of me. "Jack, stop, my mom is home."

"You're doing it again." He said, standing up.

I shot him an offended expression. "Excuse me? Doing what again?"

"Every time I tried to be affectionate towards you, you always seem to enjoy it for like two seconds, then you just push me off. If you don't want to be with me, just say it."

I let the words process for a Moment. I looked down, fiddled with my thumbs for a moment, before calmly saying, "Look, Jack, I do but-"

"But?" Jack asked in an offended tone. "No, you do or you don't, there's no but to it! And if there is then...." he paused. "....then I'm guessing you don't."

He looked as if he were about to cry. He twitched the corner of his mouth for a split second, before turning and stepping out onto the roof. I did nothing but watch him. He closed the window gently. I listened as his footsteps to hit the steel of the ladder got quieter and quieter.

I grabbed the blanket from the floor and picked up the hairbrush from my bed and looked at it for a moment before putting it back on my nightstand. I pulled the blanket completely over myself and let out a sigh.

I don't even feel like crying anymore.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

If Jack is still here I-

I heard my door open so I jerked the blanket off myself.

"Hi Mom." I said.

"Hi sweetie. So I'm guessing you're feeling better now?" She said, sitting down on my bed beside of me.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Well, that's great!" She said. At this point, I realized that she was holding something behind her back.

"Uh, yeah." I said confused. "What do you uh, have there?" I asked, referring to the thing she was holding behind her back.

"Oh, this?" She asked, whipping it around her. I nodded. "I was just driving out and I drove by a place. Do you remember that conversation a had about what you were gonna do when you for better?"

I thought about it for a moment.

Mom interrupted my thoughts by shoving a piece of paper in my face.

"Here you go!" She said. "I was gonna just save it until you started feeling better, but I guess we don't have to wait now."

"What is this?" I asked.

"A job application." She answered.

I skimmed across the paper, then noticed a logo that looked very familiar to me.

Food City.

* * *

A/N: IT'S 10:56 PM SO TECHNICALLY I MADE ON TIME. I know most of you are probably asleep right now, but this should be a little surprise for when you wake up. (:


I love you. You're important. Thank you. You're so amazing. God bless. <3

Much love 💖

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now