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"Time to get up."

"Why?" I groaned.

"You have school today."

I groaned louder, then turned over and attempted to go back to sleep.

"Amy, you're going."

I grunted. Suddenly, she jerked the blanket off of my body and I instantly started shivering.

"I'm up." I sighed, sitting up. Mom gently tossed my blanket at the foot of my bed.

"Get ready." She said, then walked out.

I rolled out of bed, then literally crawled to my closet. I finally stood up and grabbed the first thing I saw, which was a gray hoodie.

I turned to my dresser and I grabbed one of the many pairs of black legging that I owned. I also took out a pair of black socks.

I went to my door and closed it, being sure to lock it so no one walks in on me.

* * *

After changing, I applied my mascara and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"Hair brush." I whispered to myself, looking for my hairbrush. I spotted it on the nightstand.

I picked it up and had instant flashbacks.

Unexpectedly, I felt a hand grab the blanket and yank it off of me. I immediately threw the object at the figure standing over me.

"Ahhhhh!" The figure whisper-screamed, holding their hands up to their face. "Why did you do that?"

"Jack!" I whisper-screamed back. "Why are you here?"

"Because...." he said, then paused and changed the subject. He bent down and picked up the object that I threw at him. "Why did you hit me with a hairbrush?"

"Because you have literally just broke into my house! Why are you here and how did you get up here?"

"Through the window, I climbed up a ladder that I found just laying around near your driveway."

"Once again, may I ask, why are you here?" I sassed, crossing my arms.

He bit his lips and furrowed his eye brows, his facial expression showing hesitation.

Suddenly, he stepped forward and pressed his lips against mine. I uncrossed my arms and he grabbed my wrists and pushed me down into the bed gently. I was a bit tense at first, but the moment after I sunk into it, he pulled away.

"-Amy!?" I heard Mom knock. "Are you ready yet?"

I shook myself back into reality. "Uh, no. Not yet! I need to brush my hair!" I replied.

"Okay, well, I'll be waiting downstairs."


I went back to the mirror and brushed my hair. I decided to just leave it down today.

I grabbed my black converse and put them on. I deeply sighed, then grabbed my bag from a chair and slung it over my shoulder, carelessly. I picked up my broken phone from its usual spot on my nightstand, then went out the door, and stumbled down the stairs.

Mom must've heard me coming down the stairs because she turned around. "You look.... nice." She told me.

"You ready?" She asked.

I nodded. We walked out the door. It was very foggy out. We went to the car and hopped in.

After Mom started the car, the heat automatically turned on. The warm air unexpectedly blasted into my face, making me jump a little. Mom noticed and said, "I'm sorry, we must have forgotten to turn the heat off the last time we were in here.

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now