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"Hey- hey- HEY!" Gracie yelled over us. This was like a repeat of yesterday. "I am not going to have you guys fighting again today. You would have thought you would have learned your lesson by now." She shook her head.

We both went silent. It was like the whole store went silent. Everything was suddenly quiet.

That was, until we heard a voice coming up from behind Gracie.

The voice was oddly familiar.

"And it seems like you would have learned your lesson by now as well, missy."

My eyes finally gazed upon the owner of the voice.

"Dad?" I mumbled out as he appeared behind Gracie.

"Excuse me?" Gracie questioned.

"No, no. Excuse me as you're getting arrested." He smiled sarcastically, patted her on the back, then walked around her as two cops told her to put her hands behind her back and handcuffed her.

"Woah, woah, what's happening?" I asked.

"Well, like I've said before. I'm very over-protective, even though we've had our..." He looked at Jack. "....our disagreements in the past. You're still my little princess, and I'm looking out for you no matter what." He said.

I stared at him for a moment and felt myself holding back tears. Not that I was sad, but more like 'even after what I've put you through, you still care about me' kind of thing.

He smiled at me.

"Wait, but why is Gracie being arrested?" I questioned.

"Right, I was getting to that. Little Miss Gracie here was getting a bit too personal with the Jakey boy, here. I got some footage from the security cameras and took it to Human Resources, who then took it to the police. She's being charged with Sexual Harrassment."

The cops took Gracie out of the building, there was such a scene around us. I felt everyone staring.

"But- why would you go out of your way to-"

"Because I care about you, Amy.... and I care about the things you care about." He looked at Jack and smiled.

I felt my heart soften. I smiled, then looked at Jack. He was looking at my Dad, but when he noticed I was looking at him, he turned to me and stared for a second.

My smile faded when I didn't see one appear on his face. I looked down at my hands that were locked together.

Suddenly, I see Jack's shoes step closer then stop right in front of me.

I slowly looked up at him. His face had the biggest smile pastered across it. He gently grabbed my forearms, pulling me closer into a kiss.

I felt myself melt into a puddle.

I didn't know how much I needed this until now.

His smile remained when he pulled away.

It was kind of like he stamped a smile onto my face when he kissed me.

He pulled me into a hug and it was honestly one of the best feelings ever.

I've missed this so much.

"Awh! How sweet, they remade their first kiss, Ron." The old lady pointed out to her husband.

"Huh? Who?" He asked, confused.

"Oh, you never pay attention." She slapped him with a rolled magazine that she was reading.

That's why they looked familiar.

They were there when I first met Jack. When I thought it was another teasing dream. When I first kissed him.

I turned to my Dad and ran to him with the biggest hug.

"Dad?" I spoke into his clothing.

"Yes princess?" He asked.

"I love you."

"I love you more." He said.

We pulled away from the hug and he put his hands on my shoulders and looked at my face.

"Now. You and James here, get to prom."

"I-It's Jack, sir." Jack corrected, raising his index finger.

"Don't push it, Jace." Dad growled, patting me on the back.

"Y-yes sir." Jack stuttered out, anxiously.

Jack walked over to me and held out his arm.

"May I?" He asked.

"You may." I replied, taking his arm with my hands.

Dad patted me on the back once more as Jack led me outside.

The police still had Gracie sitting out in the back of the police car as they were researching things on a laptop sitting on the hood of the vehicle.

She glared at me through the darkened windows.

Jack took me around to the passenger's side of his car, then opened the door for me.

Once he got in on his side, he started the car and the radio came on. There was some kind of podcast on, so Jack turned down the volume, then moved his hand over to me and grabbed my hand, locking out fingers together, and resting it on the control panel.

I've noticed that his car has gotten trashy again, but it was okay because I was with him.

As we drove down the highway, we kept quiet.

Not an awkward silence, but a peaceful silence.

We pulled into the parking lot of the High school and luckily, found an empty parking spot.... right next to Rye's truck.

He got out and opened my door. That's when I realized something.

"Um.... Jack." I said.

"Yeah?" He had his hands behind him, fiddling his thumbs.

"We haven't changed out of our work outfits."

"Oh, well. I guess we're going in dressed as a couple of Food City cashiers." He smiled, then held out one hand to lead me out of the car.

I grinned back at his response. I took his hand and closed the door behind me.

We started walking toward the entrance of the school.

"Hey Amy." He smirked at me.



I nearly jumped out of my skin.

He held up his car key and started waving it around.


"Hey!" I shoved him away from me. "Not funny." I crossed my arms.

"Yes it was."

"No it wasn't."

"Come on, it was a joke, love, I'm sorry." He apologized by squishing his cheek up to mine and grinning at me.

I playfully glared at him and together, we walked through the front doors and entered the school.

* * *

I need sleep lol

You matter, you're important I love you, you're beautiful, God Bless You!! ❤

Much love 💚

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now