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Amy's POV

As I woke up the next morning, I was a little less sore. I wasn't sure if last night was a dream or not. I yawned and slowly sat up in my bed.

Nobody was in my room to wake me up, surprisingly. I turned my body to put my legs out on the side of my bed.

I needed to change out of this dress.

My feet touched the floor, and I stood, only to step on something cold. I looked down, it was my phone.

I carefully bent down to pick it up. Once it was in my grip, I turned it over to the screen side. It wasn't broken, thank God.

I turned it on and checked my notifications.

3 New Messages from Cashier Boy. 1 Missed Call. 1 New Voicemail.

I silently read the messages first.

"It's my fault." I read.

I replied:

Jack, I'm not mad at you. It's not your fault, it was mine, and btw im fine, don't worry.


I clicked the Voicemail notification and it started playing.

It was Jack. I've never heard his voice over the phone before. He didn't sound like he did in real life. It wasn't his voice, it was his tone.

"I looooooove saying your name. It just falls out of my mouth so perfectly." These words coming from him made me smile.

"I wish that we could hang out more but I don't want to get you into any trouble."

"Me too." I replied, even though I knew he couldn't hear me.

"Third, your Dad SCARES me!"

"Well, you don't have to worry about him anymore."

"you're so beautiful that I don't understand why you would want to be with someone like me. I'm a 6 and you're a 10. You're so fit, I'm insecure. But you keep coming back for more."


"Wow, that can be our song! It's called End Up Here by 5SOS. It talks about how a guy and a girl end up where they are and the guy feels like the girl deserves a lot more than what he can give her. Yeah, I don't know much about what song lyrics mean but that's what I get out of it."

It was so cute to hear him trying to fish out the meaning of a song.

"-there's one more thing."

I smiled and waited for him to talk.

"Amy, beautiful," He started. "I may not have much to offer, and I know this might sound a bit selfish and stuff but I hope that you'll never find another guy. Even if they have fancy clothes and fancy cars and a big house with lots of money and a good job thats not working as a cashier at FoodCity." He went on as I listened. "I can't offer those things, but there's one thing that I can offer; my love."

I froze. My heart was beating faster than a cheetah could run, my face felt tingly and my whole body went weak.

"I love you, Amy."

With that sentence, I forgot how to breathe.

* * *

Jack's POV

I woke up to the sound of an alarm. My head was pounding and I felt like I was going to vomit. I sat up and picked up my phone to turn off the alarm.

8:00 a.m.

I squinted at my phone then clicked turn off alarm.

I got up and picked up my work uniform which consisted of black jeans, a black t-shirt, and my name tag.

I headed down the hall, to the bathroom, then locked the door behind me. I got a towel from the closet and sat it on the back of the toilet.

I reached into the shower and turned on the water and set it to a comfortable temperature.

I stripped and threw my dirty clothes into the hamper, then stepped into the shower.

* * *

I stepped out of the shower and dried off. I stepped into my boxers, then my jeans, then slipped on my shirt with my name tag.

I stood in the full body mirror and wiped off the steam just enough to where I could see my reflection. I was stood at a distance, attempting to fix every wrinkle in my clothes that I saw. I plugged in my Mom's hairdryer and set it to high.

The hot air blasted out and dried my hair quicker. By the time it was dry, my hair looked like it was hit by a tornado. I combed it out, and did my usual do.

I stepped closer. My face was so pale. My headache wasn't as bad anymore, but I still felt a little sick.

I stepped back, and after one final glance at myself, I exited the bathroom.

I went to room and grabbed my phone and my keys. I took a Tylenol from my table and went downstairs. (Not sponsored obviously lol there are other pain-killer's available.)

"Jack!" I heard my Mom call from the kitchen.

As I walked into the kitchen, Mom was frying an egg.

"Good morning, baby! Do you want some breakfast before work?" She asked.

"No thanks, I feel a bit sick today." I replied.

"Oh, no, what's wrong?" She said, turning off the stove and rushing over to me. She gently put her hands on my cheeks, then the back of her hand on my forehead. "You're burning up! You're not going to work today."

"Mom, I'm fine-"

"And you look so pale."

"Mom, I said I was fi-"

"Stick out your tongue." She ordered.


"I need to see if it has any color."

I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue. At first, I started to worry.

What if she smells the alcohol? (I don't think that Vodka has a smell. Correct me if I'm wrong. But Jack doesn't know bc he's a good kid.)

"Mhmm, looks like you're staying home today." She said, picking up an old red towel on the back of a chair and wiping her hands with it. Thankfully, she didn't pick up the scent.

"But Mom-"

"Jack, honey, it's just one day. I can call your manager and she can-"

"No, wait, I'll call." I said, remembering mine and Gracie's 'deal'. What if she brought up something about it to my Mom on the phone. I'm not risking it.

"Okay, but you need to go back to bed, Mr. I'll be up there in a few minutes with your breakfast. You need to eat."

"Thanks Mom, I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too, honey." She smiled back.

* * *

A/N: Hehe notice anything different about the book cover? ;)

Also I've changed my username. (:

Anywho, how's the chapter? How's your day? Talk to meeee <3

As always, you're amazing and I love you so much. <3

Much love 💚

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now