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"So how's you're day going so far?" He asked.

"Pretty good, I guess." I replied, awkwardly.

He nodded, pretending to be interested.

I nodded back, then put my earbud back in my ear.

"Hey," he said. Annoyed, I pulled the earbud back out.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Do you mind if I give you a ride home?"

"Uhhhh." I said. "I might have to ask my Mom."

"Okay, then do it." He commanded.

"Okay?" I unlocked my phone as he watched over my shoulder.

I opened my messages. He was literally invading my personal space but I didn't say anything.

"Who's Cashier Boy?" He asked, pointing at the screen.

I ignored him and went to my Mom's messages.

Hey Mom, can I get a ride home from-

I stopped, not knowing whether to type the word 'friend' or not.

-someone at school?


I was secretly hoping she would say 'no' or 'maybe some other time'.



*stops typing*

Sure honey, I was pretty busy today anyway. Just be home before dark!

I felt like crying.

- Okay, thanks Mom. Love you!


Love you too ❤


I locked my phone and looked at Rye, who was grinning widely.

"She said Yes!" He said, excitedly.

"Yeaaaaah!" I said with fake excitement.

For the rest of the class, he told me about himself. Just basic things, nothing really deep. Just things like his favorite movie, his favorite music, his favorite food, etc.

The bell finally rang. I let out a quiet yet, deep breath that felt as if I'm been holding it for hours.

I headed out the door as fast as I could. I started walking toward the front exit when I felt a tug on my shirt. I turned around and raised an eyebrow.


"Where are you going?" He asked.


"I park in the side student parking lot."

"Oh." I said. I totally forgot that he was giving me a ride.

He held out his hand. After hesitating for a few seconds, I put my hand in his. His hands were freezing.

He led me to the side exit of the school.

"Let's see, now where did I park." He mumbled to himself. He searched around the parking lot and finally saw what he was looking for.

He took me down the stairs and led me to his truck.

It was this large silver truck. I didn't really know anything about types of cars.

As we approached the truck, I didn't realize how tall it was. There was a step on the side below the door that you had to stand on to get in.

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now