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Jack's POV

I changed into something a bit more casual that wasn't my work uniform. I chose a pair of black jeans and a red flannel. Things that I usually wore when I went out somewhere.

I combed my hair up to it's usual do and took one more glance at myself in the mirror before my phone buzzed.

1 New message from MC Mikey Mike

- Hey mate, we're almost to your house so he ready in 10


After replying to Mikey, I left the bathroom. As I was walking down the hall to my room, I started thinking.

I wonder if they've already picked up Amy, or if they're picking me up first. If they picked me up first it wouldn't be as awkward as I think it's going to be. As to, if they picked her up first, it would be pretty awkward for me because I would have to face her whilst getting in the car-

"Where are you going?" My Mom asled, walking past me, then stopping, making me snap out of my anxious thoughts.

"Oh, uh, just out with some friends." I replied.

"Uh. No you're not." She sassed.


"Don't 'Mom' me, you're sick, Jack. You missed work today, what would you manager say if she saw you out with those people?"

'You're fired.' I thought to myself. But for different reasons than what you would think if she saw me out with Amy.

"Mom, I don't think I'll see my manager out and about at 8 at night. She's probably still at work."

Mom glared at me with that Mom-look expression on her face saying 'I can't stop you, but you know this is stupid.'

*Beep* *Beep*

"Ride's here." I said, then hugged her. "I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, Jack." She said, letting go from the hug. As I jogged down the hall the rest of the way, then down the stairs, I heard Mom yell, "Be careful."

"I will, Mom." I yelled back, then burst out the door to see Mikey's car sitting in front of my house.

The passenger's window rolled down. There was a girl, who, I'm assuming, was Rachel. Mikey yelled across the car.

"Hurry up, mate. We're wasting gas."

I picked up my pace for the last 4 steps I had to take to get in the car. I opened the right back door and got inside then closed the door.

"Where does Amy live?" Mikey asked, not really directing it at anyone in particular.

"Go to the park, then take a left." Rachel said, as I opened my mouth to speak. I was kinda glad I caught myself. I wasn't sure if Rachel knew about me going over there sometimes. I didn't want to sound creepy.

* * *

Amy's POV

My back was still sore, but not as much as it was when I first got home. I was up and out of bed, looking at different outfits, then finally deciding on a pair of black skinny jeans and a red flannel that I loosely wore over a plain black tank top. I put on my black converse and brushed my hair. I applied a bit of mascara as usual.

I checked my phone as I waited.

I got on Twitter but as the blue screen showed, I clicked the home button. I searched through my apps until I found the lovely orange icon labelled Wattpad.

I went to my profile and looked through all of my drafts. All of the unpublished works that I have yet to finish.

I was interrupted by a notification.

1 new message from an unknown number.

Yo Amy it's Rachel. I'm on Mikey's phone and we're coming around the corner rn to pick you up

- Alrighty


I rushed downstairs before I realized I hadn't told my Mom about going out.

I went back up to her room and peeked in her door. She was asleep. I didn't want to wake her up. I also didn't want to worry her. I decided to write a note. I picked up a pen and a notepad from her nightstand and wrote a quick note.

Mom, I went to hang out with Rachel. You were asleep so I just wrote you a note. If you need anything just call me or text me. You know my number. I'll be back in a few hours. I love you xoxo

I put the pen back on the nightstand and put the post-it-note on her hand so she'll find it.

I went outside and stood on the porch before I saw a car pull up.

Rachel was sitting in the front seat. Mikey was driving.

I approached the car.

"Why is everyone so slow today?" Rachel said, indirectly speaking at me.

I opened the back seat. The first thing I saw when I stepped in was Jack's figure sitting on the opposite side of the car. I didn't look directly at him.

I closed the door. As I was getting situated, Rachel turned her head to the backseat. I looked at her. She looked back and forth between Jack and I, then smiled. "Awh, cute, you guys are matching."

"What?" I said, confused.

"You and Jack. It's adorable." She replied.

I looked at Jack. Not at his face, at his clothes. My face flashed as red as our unintendedly matching flannels. I quickly turned away and looked out the window without saying anything. I couldn't help but to smile.

"Let's go, Mikey." Rachel said, finally turning back around.

"Alright." His deep voice startled me. I didn't really pay much attention to that when I first met him.

I wasn't really sure where we were going. I didn't bother asking. The silence of the car was peaceful to me and I didn't want to ruin it.

Throughout the entire car ride, I kept my distance from Jack. When he would shift, I would shift. I didn't look back in his direction at all. He didn't bother speaking to me. I didn't bother speaking to him.

All I could feel were awkward vibes.

* * *

A/N: Finally, an update. I know, I know, I'm sorry.


I know I mention this a lot, but I've been working on about 3 others stories other than this one.

There's another Jack one, a Mikey one, and a Brooklyn one. I have ideas for two more (Rye and Andy) but I'm not quite sure where I'm going with them yet.

Anyway, I hope you have an amazing day. You're important, I love you. <3

Smile (:

Thank you for reading, I love you so much <3

Much love 💙

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now