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Jack's POV

I was getting ready for my next shift, at the cash register. I pushed the shopping cart back to its place in the back.

I walked back out and up to the front where my next station was located. I noticed that we were quite empty today on costumers.

I searched for an empty cash register. Finally, I came across one. Number 4.

I logged into the register and waited as an old lady pushed her cart around the counter. I helped her put her things into the conveyer belt.

I started scanning the bread first. After the confirming beep, I put the things back onto the conveyer belt and let them ride to the end, where the bagging section was.

As i started scanning the other items, I heard Gracie talking to someone from a near.

"Here you are." She said, leading someone to the bagging section of my register station. I looked over to see it was Amy.

"You just take the items and fit them all into the bags. It's simple." She explained, then walked behind me, placing her hands on my hips, making me feel extremely uncomfortable.

"How's it going?" She asked in a flirting voice.

"Um, pretty good." I awkwardly spouted out, trying to focus on my job.

I could feel Amy's attention on us, even though she wasn't physically looking at us.

"Great." She replied, then smacking my butt.

"Keep up the good work." She winked, then walked away.

I looked down at the bottom where Amy was to see that she was bagging canned goods and a loaf of bread into the same bag.

I thought it was kinda cute, her lack of knowledge of the job.

"No, no." I said, reaching over to help her.

"What?" She spat. She sounded salty.

"You're not suppose to bag bread and cans in the same bag."

"Look, I'm new to this, alright? Back off." She almost yelled, confirming that she was mad about something.

"Okay, geez, I was just trying to help." I held up my hands in defense.

"Well, I don't need your help."

"You clearly do."

"You know, if there wasn't a risk of me being fired, I would so slap you with this." She held up a can of Spaghetti.

"I'm literally trying to teach you what to do."

"I told you, I don't need your help!" She screamed, then angrily bagged the spaghetti into a bag.

"Look, you can't do your job right, so I'm trying to help you!" I screamed back.

"Um, sir, can I have my reciept?" The lady asked. I didn't have time to answer.

"Hey, guys!" Gracie's voice overyelled is both and we silenced. "What's going on here?" She crossed her arms.

"Just a little disagreement." Amy replied, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes at me.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"I'm so sorry, we'll be sure to give you a discount, Gracie said, putting her hand on the old lady's shoulder. The old lady nodded.

"And as for you two." Gracie turned her attention back to us. "Unpaid overtime tomorrow. Both of you."

"But I have plans tomorrow! It's prom night." Amy said.

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now