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That next morning, I woke up to the sound of a chainsaw. I rubbed my eyes and looked across the street to see the neighbors cutting branches off of an old tree in their yard. I was still on the roof. Jack was still here. We hadn't shifted our positions at all. He looked so cute when he was sleeping. I didn't want to wake him up, but he had to leave.

I didn't really know how to wake him up so I just whispered his name. He didn't wake up.

"Jack," I whispered a bit louder. I shook his arm. "Jaaaack,"

"Hmmm?" He mumbled but fell asleep again instantly after.

"Wake up." He didn't budge. I sighed. I only knew of one more way to attempt to get him up. Throw him off the roof. (LOL JKJK)

I only knew of one more way to attempt to get him up. I lightly pecked his lips with mine. Needless to say, it worked. I pulled away and looked at him. He smiled and stretched. I smiled back.

We've only met a couple days ago but I feel like I've known him so much longer. I felt so comfortable around him. Kissing him was so easy now. I feel like I could do it whenever I wanted and he wouldn't even mind. I wasn't quite sure why he was so comfortable around me.

"Good morning." He said, his morning voice was so cute.

"Good morning." I said, "you have to leave."

"Wow, what a great thing to wake up to after a 'good morning'."

I laughed. "Sorry, I didn't have anyway else to say it."

"Maybe a "Good morning, I wish you could stay, but I'm afraid you have to go, talk to you later, Love you." He jokes.

Love you? As in 'I love you'? Or love you as in 'love you'? There's a major difference. Maybe he was just kidding.

"Oh, that works too," I smiled.

He sat up, and grabbed my thighs so I wouldn't fall. I was straddling him now.

"Can I bring you with me?" He pouted.

"Afraid not." I said.

I stood up off of him. I turned to face the street and sat beside him. A few extra minutes wouldn't hurt.

I watched as the neighbors groomed the old tree. There were two men. One was holding the ladder, and the other was on the ladder, holding a chainsaw and cutting the overgrown branches. There were children running in the yard, playing tag. There were two ladies on the porch, sitting in chairs, talking and watching their children play.

"Wait- is that-?" I squinted and looked closer.

"MOM-" I accidentally screamed out.

She turned her head in my direction. I tackled Jack and pushed us down against the roof.

I looked at Jack. "You have to leave, now." I looked him straight in the eyes.

"Okay, sorry." He said.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it just go." I said, pushing him.

He crawled to the edge of the roof.

"What are you doing?!" I whispered loudly.

"This is how I came up here." He said.

"Come through the window, or she'll see you."

I reached my hand out to him, keeping myself as low as possible.

I peeked over the edge just a little bit to see if my mom was still looking.

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now