baseball • jihoon

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based off of the story he told on ofd s2


"That was some catch you made out there," Y/N said to Jihoon.

The two of them were eating at a diner after Jihoon's baseball game. They were both so happy that his team won and decided to celebrate by eating together afterwards.

He had managed to catch the ball right after it was hit and end the game.

Y/N would always attend his games and she would cheer him on.

The two teens were best friends and have known each other since birth. They lived in the same area and often went over to each other's houses. Despite the fact that she was a year older than him, they were very close to each other.

They knew everything about each other, but what Y/N didn't know was how Jihoon felt about her.

Like the typical love story, Jihoon had fallen for Y/N over the years. She was such a kind, loving and caring person, especially to him. She would always come to his baseball practices and games. She was his biggest fan and would always cheer him on.

Jihoon would always feel loved and it gave him confidence whenever he saw her sitting on the bleachers.

The boy would always try to look "cool" whenever he would catch a ball. Exaggerating his movements and trying to look like a man. He wanted to impress his older lady friend and make her think that he was very manly.

One day, Jihoon didn't attend practice. His team already knew what was happening so it was no problem.

Instead of going onto the school field, he sat on the bleachers and waited for Y/N to arrive.

"Jihoon, what are you doing here! Shouldn't you be on the field practicing?" She sat down beside him and was very confused.

The boy faced her and said, "Well I have something to tell you."

Her face dropped and she realized how serious he was, "What's wrong? Are you okay? Do you need help? You know you can always come to me for help or advice."

Jihoon sadly smiled at her reaction. She was so kind and always willing to help, he was going to miss that so much.

"You know how I auditioned for Pledis? Well, I got passed the first round of auditions and I already went to the second audition. I passed that one as well and now I'm a trainee! I'm going to be living in Seoul from now on and I'm leaving tomorrow." He broke the news to her and it made his heart hurt even more.

"Oh," his best friend didn't say any more than that.

Y/N knew about his audition but she didn't know that he passed both of them. She was very happy for him but she didn't want him to move away. She didn't want to lose someone she held so close to her heart.

"Well," she looked on the bright side and said, "at least your talent is being recognized and you're going to become famous. I know how much you love music, so it will be an amazing experience for you and you'll be doing what you love! Isn't that what's most important anyways?" Her heart was aching as she smiled at him.

That smile was filled with pain and sadness, but she hoped that he didn't notice.

Jihoon noticed immediately, he was her best friend after all. The boy pulled her in for a hug and tried his best not to cry. He was going to miss her so much and he didn't know how he was going to get through his training without her by his side.

"Promise me that we'll call everyday, text 24/7 and visit each other often. I don't know how I'll survive without your support," he said.

"I promise."

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