coffee • mingyu

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happy birthday, legend! thanks for being such an amazing person and doing so many great things!
i love you ❤️

Y/N sighed and walked down the sidewalk in her campus. Although the sky was a bright blue and the sun was shining, the girl couldn't help but feel tired. The change in her class schedule really took a toll on her and she felt so sleepy. She decided that a coffee would wake her right up, but the only thing was that she didn't have time to go to a coffee shop and wait in line. 

The tired girl arrived at her destination and looked at the vending machine that sold drinks.

Her eyes scanned the drinks as she softly hummed a song to herself. She punched in the number of the drink she wanted into the machine and watched it bring the drink to her. Y/N reached for it and smiled to herself.

The girl turned around to walk away but immediately bumped into someone.

She apologized and looked up at the stranger, "I'm so sorry."

The boy just shook his head and took a step back, "No no, I'm sorry I was so close to you."

Light tinges of pink dusted the two of their cheeks at the encounter.

Y/N nodded at the boy and quickly took a seat at a nearby bench. The boy proceeded to buy something from the vending machine as she sipped on her coffee.

Immediately feeling much better, the girl looked at the sea of people on campus and just people watched.

"Mind if I sit here?" The boy from before asked her. A coffee was in his hands as well and he looked just as tired as she was.

Y/N shook her head and the stranger sat down beside her.

"I'm Mingyu! Sorry for bumping into you earlier." He introduced himself with a large smile. His smile was so bright and his canine teeth were still pointed, Y/N found it adorable.

"I'm Y/N! No worries about that," she smiled back at him, "How do you like the coffee?"

Mingyu looked down at the boxed drink in his hand and nodded in approval, "It's pretty good coming from a vending machine. I still think I make better coffee though."

The girl looked at the boy strangely and he expanded on his statement. "I'm a barista and work at a small cafe. I've been making coffee for years now and have spent lots of time with the drink."

"I see." Y/N could easily picture the boy making coffee with an apron around him. "What do you make?"

Mingyu shrugged and took a sip of his coffee, "Anything and everything. I like learning so I've learnt how to make many different types of coffee."

"You must really like your job then."

The barista smiled and nodded, "I really do."


The next day, the two of them were surprised to see each other again. They had both gone to the vending machine for a coffee and sat down on the same bench as before.

This continued on for the rest of the week and the two strangers got to know each other over time. They realized that they had a lot in common and found it easy to talk to each other.

Y/N found out that Mingyu was studying visual arts and was enjoying it a lot.

"My best friend is really good at art. We have the same classes together and he always gives me really good advice about my technique and style. His name is Minghao."

"Wow that sounds like fun," the girl smiled at him. She could see how his eyes would light up whenever he was taking about his passions, it was so beautiful to see. "I'm just taking cinematography courses."

Mingyu turned towards and a look of shock was written all over his face, "Cinematography? I love that! I wanted to take those courses but I didn't have enough time. You should teach me some things!" The boy flashed a big smile at her and she could feel her heart melt at the sight.

Y/N nodded and smiled back at him, "Definitely."

The two new friends took a sip of their drinks and Mingyu said, "We should really stop buying coffee from the vending machine. We are spending too much money on drinks that we can make ourselves."

"I agree. Can you teach me how to make my own coffee?" She turned towards him and tugged on his sleeve. "Please, it'll be fun!"

He smiled and nodded, "Sure! Let's meet up after school is over."


Mingyu had invited Y/N to the café he worked at and brought her behind the counter. Fortunately the coffee shop was closed for the day and they could make coffee without any worries.

"So the first thing you do is wash your hands. We don't want to get sick or spread the germs around!"

From there Mingyu taught Y/N how to make her own coffee. She would now be able to make it at home and save lots of money.

"Oh let me help you with that."

The boy stood behind the girl and her cheeks warmed up. It felt like he was giving her a back hug and it was quite comfortable. She was sad to feel the warmth from him leave once he moved away.

"And that's how you make your own coffee!"

The two of them sat down at a table with their coffees and smiles on their faces.

Y/N took a sip and it tasted like pure happiness.


She put the cup back down onto the table and Mingyu let out a giggle.

She looked at the boy and he pointed at her lip, "You have a little something."

Before Y/N could do anything about it, Mingyu had already gotten a napkin and gently wiped the whipped cream away for her lip. The girl's cheeks were burning at his action and she quickly changed the subject, "Thanks. Try your coffee!"

The tall boy gave the girl a cheeky smile and took a sip of his drink.

As the boy brought the cup away from his lips, Y/N snapped a quick photo of him with his foam moustache. Now it was her turn to let out a giggle, "I'm keeping that."

Mingyu pouted at his friend and tried to reach for her phone, "Delete that, Y/N." The girl was too quick and had already put her phone back in her pocket. "Not today, Mingyu."

The boy's hand had stopped in her hand and he just kind of left it there. The girl looked down at their hands and Mingyu intertwined his fingers with hers.

To be honest, it surprised Mingyu himself because he was never this bold with someone he likes before. He thinks it was because he had found someone who made his heart flutter and made him have a permanent smile on his face.

For the millionth time that day, the girl's cheeks were a deep red and the boy simply smiled. He knew what he was doing to her and she was glad that the two of them felt the same way towards each other.

"So what's your number?"


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