under the lights • soonyoung

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inspired by soonyoung's 171204 vlive where he doesn't succeed in finding an open convenience store and decides to take carats out for a walk under the christmas lights instead. he's all bundled up in his coat and hat, with no main point for the vlive. he just missed carats and wanted to talk with us.

i listened to the song "when it snows" on repeat as i wrote this. give it a listen as you read this imagine 💙 stay warm this season, my loves!


The winter break was well needed.

Finals, exams, and assignments squeezed the life out of you and Soonyoung. You were piled with a bunch of projects from your teachers and didn't even have the time to breathe. It was just constant work for weeks and it felt like time slipped through your fingers. Your boyfriend was swamped with just as much work as you. Creating multiple choreographies, writing reports on types of dances, and even creating samples to use in songs. Despite living together, the two of you barely got to spend time together and talk. It was just a month full of work and no rest.

By the end of the month, you both were completely empty. It was like you weren't yourself if you weren't working. Soonyoung was just as drained as you and the sparkle in his eyes was dull after working so hard. Two people who were exhausted from working so hard and putting their all into it.

A lazy day was something you two agreed on without any words exchanged. On the first day of break, you both woke up (without the help of the alarm) and immediately let out a sigh of relief. Nothing was due. Nothing had to be done. Nothing laid on your shoulders.

The two of you did absolutely nothing productive today. Binge watching movies, cuddling with each other, and just relaxing. You were curled up beside each other, laying on the couch in the living room, staying in your pyjamas, and eating junk food. It was the perfect day to give your mind and body a break, letting it rest and regenerate.

With the curtains drawn, the apartment was dark and it was like you two were hiding out in your own cave. The outside world completely shut out, only thinking about each other and the movie you were watching.

The credits begin to roll onto the screen while a song starts to play and a yawn escapes your mouth. You lift your head off of Soonyoung's shoulder and wrap the blanket tighter around you. The movie ended on such a happy note it made you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

"That was so good!" Your boyfriend says as he looks at the screen with big eyes. He was so easily amazed and it was honestly so precious, you thought to yourself. The hoodie he was wearing swallowed him up and the hood around his face made his hair all messy. After eating all the junk food, he was slowly regaining his chubbiness and you were so happy about that. For the past few weeks, he wasn't eating a lot and became too thin that it worried you. Now he was back to himself, lil' tum and all.

"It was so complex, I would've never thought of that. Plus, the music made it so much better." You reply to him as you read the music credits going by on the screen. Memorising the song titles, you make a mental note to yourself to search up the songs later.

Out of the corner of your eye you see the boy nod in agreement, focusing on the words on the screen.

"Can we get ramen?"

You turn towards him in surprise and raise an eyebrow, "Right now?" Even though the two of you made no effort to actually check the time, you knew that it was late at night.

He looks towards you and eagerly nods, "Right now. I'm so hungry!" Soonyoung pouts and gives you his best puppy eyes in hopes of convincing you to go out.

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