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The bar was fairly full that night. I could barely even hear my best friend talking as she stood right beside me.

"Open mic," Natalie said nudging me that direction. I laughed at the girl shaking my head.

"I think you've had one to many drinks," I told her pushing her back with my arm and leaning against the wall behind me once again.

"I think you've had one to many drinks," I told her pushing her back with my arm and leaning  against the wall behind me once again

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I looked around the terrible place wondering how I'd even allowed myself to get talked into coming here after everything. There were many drunken men and too many woman half undressed for them already. My eyes continued to wonder around the area and thats when they landed on him. I tried to pull my eyes away but when you see someone new around these parts they tend to stick out.

He had blonde hair that would cover his face if he hadn't had it pushed back. His brown leather jacket was strange in itself for most people around here and his blue eyes shined through all the lights in this bar.

Compared to my dull brown eyes and long layered dirty blonde hair, he stood out and up from me. He had a good eight inches on my small 5'4 frame.

Natalie bumped my arm with a giggle.

"You're staring," she whispered into my ear.

"Am not," I opened my mouth at her in disbelief. Then took one last glance at the boy.

"You so were," Nat turned to the bar grabbing herself another drink. I proceeded to walk away with her locking arms with me so that I could keep her away from the guys in this place who would take advantage of her in a heartbeat.

However, we didn't make it very far when I ran straight into a tall figure. Natalie's drink nearly fell out of her hand as the liquid sloshed around in the glass.

"Woah," the boy said placing his hands on my shoulders and pushing me back ever so slightly.

"Sorry about that princess," another man came up taking his friend's arm and pulling him away, "I let you out of my sight for ten seconds to lasso myself a filly and you've done plowed over another."

I laughed at the older man and the way he talked to his friend. Now he seemed to fit in around here more that the younger boy who I was now realizing was the boy at I had seen walk in earlier.

"That's alright," I said lowering my head, pushing Nat to keep moving but she stopped and in her drunken state began to talk.

"No," she slurred, "no its not alright mister." Natalie placed her finger in the middle of the elder of the men's chest. "Your friend here owes my friend a drink I do believe."

We all laughed at her but she was very serious.

"No Nat, its alright," I said pushing her in the opposite direction when I was stopped by the sound of the blond's voice.

"You're right, Natalie is it?" he asked putting the shortened name I call her into her given full name.

"Smart aren't you," Natalie blushed at the boy.

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