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So this chapter is long past due. It is kinda a Christmas chapter even though it's already New Years. I've been working. And sick so it took me longer to get this one written. It's not as long and it is based off the Christmas episode of Macgyver (the most recent one) because there were enough holes to fit Skye in there. Anyways. Hope y'all enjoy.

Mac pov.

It was finally Christmas. Well it was pretty much past Christmas now but for our family it had only just begun. Jack and the team had finally managed to get enough evidence, and I'm sure me saving the people who'd arrested me helped, to get me out of going to jail.

I was beyond relieved to find out I hadn't killed anyone although it still tugged at my soft heart that someone was killed.

During this particular mission, which sparked the cause of my arrest, both Cage and Skye were absent. Matty has sent them out on an intel gathering mission so that they could better get to know each other. When that was done Skye told me how she had to go back to Tennessee for a bit so she could see Natalie, the friend she left behind in her small town. She told me how her and Nat had spent every Christmas together since they were eighteen.

Of course she told me she'd stay with me this year but I encouraged her to go be with her friend. I offered to come with but she insisted I stay here. We would celebrate Christmas together when she got back and I was happy with that. Because Christmas isn't just a day, it's a feeling and with Skye I could easily find that feeling again.

After my rescue everyone went back to the house. Bozer was reheating the pastrami and explaining to Matty the story behind that. Riley and Jack were talking and I had stepped outside to talk to Skye.

"Hey," she said in a sweet voice at answering the phone.

"Hey, hows it going? You land yet?" I asked.

"Yeah," Skye replied with a sort of sigh, "I'm over at Nat's."

"Is something wrong?" I questioned hearing the tone she was speaking in.

"No, no," she reassured me, "I just miss you."

"I miss you too," I told her with a smile, "but are you sure that's it?"

"I'm okay," she said, "I've gotta go, but I'll see you in a couple days."

"Ok," I was still unsure but I went with it, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Skye pov.

I hung up the phone after talking to Mac. Putting it back in my pocket I turned to face the other people in the room.

"Good job sweetie," my mother said coming up and placing her arms around me. I shrugged her off with a huff.

"I didn't do it for you," behind her I could see Natalie with a solum look on her face. I pushed past the woman and wrapped my arms around her tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Skye," she cried.

"Hey," I looked at her, "don't worry about it. We're going to figure this out."

When I got here I wasn't surprised to find that my parents had crashed the party. I was disgusted that I had ever thought my parents had changed, because they hadn't. They wanted that part of the Corps Order shut down so that they could freely run their own show here back in Tennessee. Natalie's parents had been apart of it as well and are dead because of that. She didn't have a choice but to be apart of this now. Or that's what she thought. It was her parents last wish that she carry on for them. So that's what she was going to do, and my parents were going to make sure of that.

Mac pov.

When I came inside after calling Skye I was greeted by Matty who handed me a present. When I opened it I realized it was a box of paper clips. She was going to allow my mini sculptures again. I was about to confront her about being in the video I'd found at my father's but Bozer interrupted handing me a gift which only could of been brought here by my dad himself. I was going to open it in private but my phone buzzed in my pocket making me stop. Part of my hoped it was Skye so that when I opened this she could be there even if she wasn't really here. But instead I saw the contact read "Cage".

I answered the phone but didn't hear a response.

"Cage?" I questioned. Nothing, except the soft sound of a whimper. And that's all it took for us to take off. On the way to her house I tried to call Skye just to let her know what was going on but I didn't get an answer. Little did I know at that moment that she wouldn't answer one of my calls again.

Skye pov.

I had put my phone in my pocket earlier. I could of sworn I had but now it was gone and I couldn't find it anywhere. I was standing in the kitchen when my mother walked in.

"What you looking for sweetheart?" She asked.

"Don't call me that," I kept my back to her rolling my eyes. After a moment I addressed her question, "I can't find my phone."

"Oh well don't worry about that darling. It's Christmas, spend time with your family," my mother came up behind me with a kind grin.

"I came here to do that but you two showed up instead," I snarled with a smirk at her.

She sighed heavily and walked out of the room. Natalie was next to enter.

"Skye," she sighed, "I can't let you do this for me. You have to go back to LA. I know you love it there. I could tell by the sound of your voice when you talked to Mac."

"Hey," I looked at her with a soft smile, "pretty soon we'll both be living it up in Cali away from this below freezing weather. Doesn't that sound nice?"

A tear raced down her face as she smiled and nodded.

"What it is?" I asked. Nat just shook her head just I asked again until she answered.

"After your parents showed back up here I tried getting out of it. I didn't want back in. I was done for good," she stopped, "until.... until they held a gun to my head."

My mouth remained a gap as I tried to come up with response to that. But eventually I pushed past her and was going to head out of the kitchen to speak with my parents until Nat stopped me.

"They said they'd kill us if I told you. Skye, you can't say anything."

I paused for a moment but eventually nodded. I was going to have to figure this out, and without a phone I was going to have to do it without Mac's help.


Author's Note:

So sorry it took me this long to update guys. I'm really not sure about where to take this story anymore. Maybe once Macgyver starts coming on again it'll kick my imagination back into full swing for this.

Hope y'all enjoyed. If it feels like I'm just dragging this story out then let me know and I'll end it. I'm working on another one but I want to wait on that one for a minute.

Much love y'all!


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