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Skye pov.

Today was the day, yet again. Today I would turn back into Montana Bryant. I was just ready to get this over with and go home.

Matty had the undercover artists dress me in a similar fashion as before but this time they had to use a bit more makeup due to the fact I was feeling a bit green. I'd heard about nausea coming fairly early in a pregnancy sometimes but this was ridiculous.

"Romeo's plane just landed," Mac said over the coms.

"You're up, Princess," Jack commented next. I pushed the makeup people away and made my way towards the met. There I saw Jack and Mac waiting for me and the door to Romeo's plane open. He didn't get too close before I was already starting the conversation.

"I trust you have my shipment this time," I said in a stern but gentle voice.

"As long as you follow through with our agreement, they're all yours," Jogger replied gesturing to the crates of drugs being unloaded from the plane.

I looked over at Mac and nodded my head towards the crates.

"My man here is going to check those out while my other gentleman fetches your payment," I looked at Jack next and he nodded heading back towards the warehouse behind us.

Romeo and I stood there just staring at each other, neither willing to blink.

"So Montana," he smirked.

"Ms. Bryant," I corrected very quickly, "one trade doesn't give you rights to my first name yet."

"Right," he nodded looking away. Then things were silent again.

Mac pov.

I walked to examine the crates. Surely enough there were enough drugs there to kill a few herds of elephants. That was all I needed to see for the plan to be set in motion. There were three goons accompanying Jogger and it was my job to take them out. Of course my way was a lot simpler than what Jack's way would of been. He would of tried to take them all on but I was smart enough to see they all had guns and the odds of winning this fight hand to hand was slim to none. So I got close enough from behind to plant a sleeping gas grenade I was alone to make with what I found inside the warehouse we were occupying. I took several steps back very quickly covering my mouth and nose with my shirt, after pulling the pin on it. There was a small boom as it exploded into them but they didn't have long to respond before they were all out.

The noise caught Romeo's attention and his head snapped towards his unconscious guards.

"What the-," he couldn't even finish his statement before Skye had her gun out. He stopped when he heard the clicking noise from it and slowly turned back to face the girl. Jack was coming up now from the side with his gun drawn as well.

"What is this?" Jogger demanded to know.

"Turns out I'm going to need to keep that tank after all," Skye smirked, "I warned you, I'm not a patient person. A better offer came up. But don't worry, I'll still take the drugs since you already brought them all the way here."

Romeo Jogger looked furious now. But then I heard an array of sirens coming our direction. So my acting skills kicked into hyper drive. Jack and I looked panicked as did Skye when she looked that direction seeing the blue coming our way.

"Did you call the cops!" She yelled stepping towards Jogger.

"No!" His hands were up now and even he was scared, "I swear!"

I saw Jack look at me and I nodded at him.

"Go!" He yelled towards Skye, well Montana. I ran towards them and grabbed Skye by the arm, "Get outta here! I'll make sure this crack head stays put."

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