Macgyver season 2 finale

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Warning! Warning! Major spoilers ahead for season 2 finale of Macgyver!

Alright y'all.......

Hold on I think I need a minute.

Honestly I don't know what to say about this episode. It made me smile, laugh, angry, upset, and I think a few tears were in my eyes by the end.

Let's start with some of the basics.

So we finally know who Oversight is... he's Mac's freakin dad!!! Like... what the heck?! I'll be honest I did not see that one coming. Then there was the matter of the "bread crum trail" Mac had thought his father had been leaving him over the course of the season. But it turns out it was Matty leaving it! And y'all... that Mac and Matty hug was just... it made me smile and broke my heart at the same time.

Riley and Billy... yeah while I do love the relationship I absolutely do not under any circumstances want Riley to leave the Phoenix! No no no! But moving on....

So this is something very small that most people might not catch but I am a super nerd and it is May 4 so... that last bit with Mac and Jack at the end with all of their Star Wars references was amazing. Not even gonna lie, I loved it! Just like I love them anytime they make them but today especially.

Also Leanna is going to be working at the Phoenix now! Not sure how I feel about her character because we haven't seen a whole whole lot of her but we've seen enough for me to be happy she is apart of the team and will be spending time with Bozer which is amazing!

But then comes to hardest part. The part that I'm pretty sure we all want to ignore... the end.

I don't know how I feel. I don't know what to feel about the episode at this point. I don't know if the fact that there will be a season 3 makes that better or worse for me. Y'all this is crazy! Mac quit!!! That's not ok! At all! And we have to wait until the end of the year to find out more!!!! I'm losing my mind already!

I wanna know what y'all think about this episode. Or just your take on the season in general. What were your favorite parts? What made you cry? What made you laugh?

Let me know and expect a chapter update coming very soon!

Also thank you to absolutely every single person who reads this story! It really warms my heart to read your comments and see how many of you are reading! So thank you so much!

Much love y'all!


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