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Skye pov.

"You need to get them out of there now!" Matty told me, "I have a medical team heading your way but you need to get them out of there before that car explodes."

"Okay," I knew she was right but I was struggling with figuring out how I was going to do this. I pulled away from Mac and pulled at the door. It took several hard pulls for it to jerk open, causing me to fall back onto my butt.

Getting up, I leaned over Mac, undoing his seat belt and pulling his limp body out of the car. He'd showed me his Swiss army knife and told me of its importance before so I knew where he kept it. I dug into his pocket and got it out, quickly cutting off part of the seat belt and sitting it to the side while I ripped Mac's belt off of him. I slid it under his back and with my shirt pressed against his wound, I pulled it as tight as it would go around that area in order to keep the makeshift bandage in place. As I made my way over to Jack's side I took the seat belt and tied it as best I could around my arm where that man's bullet had grazed me. The wound wasn't as concerning as some of Mac and Jack's but I would be of no help to them if I lost too much blood myself.

The door on Jack's side of the car was not going to budge. My best bet would be to go back around and try pulling him out the passenger seat side. The trunk of the car remained unharmed and opened easily for me. I grabbed the crowbar out of the back and climbed into the ticking time bomb of a car. This was going to be beyond challenging considering many things: My size compared to Jack's, the fact that from this position I didn't have much leverage, and the fact that Jack was still unconscious and it would be me doing all the work.

And if anyone ever asked me how I was able to do it I would have to tell them a miracle happened because I was able to get Jack's legs just loose enough to haul his muscled body up and out of the car. But there was no way I'd be able to carry both of them far enough away from this explosion in the shape they were in with out causing more damage.

The large truck that had hit us was on its side and the driver of that vehicle was long dead, practically in as many pieces as the front of the truck. I ran around to the back of it to find it full of boxes and things it was most likely delivering to a store near by. Also among the array of scattered boxes there was one of those flat shopping carts that the driver was probably using to transport the boxes from the truck to the store. I was able to pull it out and get it on all four wheels. I used all the energy and adrenaline left in my body to pull both boys onto the cart. After that I hauled the large door to the back of the big truck, which had fallen off in the crash, over and got it in a position on the cart where it was half on and half dragging the ground, making an awful noise as I pulled it.

When we seemed to be about two hundred feet away I heard a loud pop and looked over my shoulder to see a fire had started in the car. This was it, we couldn't get much farther and it would explode. So I ran to the end of the cart and pulled the large door up to cover me as I laid on top of Mac and Jack. Within a few seconds I heard the loud explosion and even from here felt the heat coming off it.

The sudden noise seemed to startle Jack because he shot awake at that very moment. His first instinct was to sit up but I quickly squeezed his shirt with the hand that I had resting on his chest.

"Stay down Jack!" I yelled at him. He looked so confused and I understood, if I'd woken up in the middle of this situation I would of been too. After I was sure it was safe again I pushed up with all my might and the door which I had been holding up with my back fell back and to the ground, off the cart. I fell to my hands and knees breathing harshly while Jack got into a sitting position.

"What the hell?" he questioned but I paid him no attention as my focus turned to Mac. The rise and fall of his chest almost seemed nonexistent now.

"Oh no you don't," I said crawling closer to him and placing two fingers on his neck to check his pulse, "Don't you dare die on me."

I waited for a moment and eventually I was able to feel the faint pulse beneath my finger tips. I sighed in relief and crawled down off the cart. My hands found their way back to his side and I pushed down as hard as I could even though the belt was still around his waste.

"Mac?!" Jack asked rolling over to get a better look at his partner. I heard him wince at the pain coming most likely from his ankle which was an odd color, "Skye, what the hell happened?"

"I don't know," I said holding back more tears, "this car came out of nowhere hitting that truck and-"

"Yeah, I've got that part," Jack nodded his head, "what happened after that."

I stopped for a moment, remembering him.

"There was this man," I said looking up to him with salty eyes, "He- he knew my name..."

Jack pulled back for a minute and I noticed then that his "thinking" face was nothing like Mac's.

"He knew y'all too," I went on, "He told me to tell Mac hello."

Jack's thinking face soon turned to a face of anger, "That son of a bitch!" His jaw rotated and he gritted his teeth, "Murdoc."

I didn't get a chance to respond or ask who that was before the medical team showed up, which I was more than grateful for. Jack tried standing to follow them when they took Mac but he was stopped by the pain in his right ankle.

"Yeah, don't think thats happening," I told him making him take a seat again before the medics were able to get over to him, "when the truck hit us your legs got pretty wedged in there. You're gonna be hurting like hell for a while."

"Yeah, no kidding," he breathed laying back on the cart. I just chuckled at him and then looked over in the direction they'd taken Mac, "Go on," he told me waving me in the direction.

So once I saw another medical team heading Jack's way I took off for the ambulance Mac was in.

"Woah, wait a second sweetheart," one of the older paramedic ladies said stopping me, "You need to come sit down over here so we can check you out a bit."

"I'm fine," I gave her a nice but urgent grin before trying to push past her.

"No, seriously dear," she said looking at my head, arm, and abdomen area where the blood from the glass shards that had cut into me had seeped through my tank, "Some of these might need stitches."

"I said I'm fine," I protested trying my very best to get past the lady now.

"And I thought Mac didn't like doctors," Jack laughed as they wheeled him past me. I rolled my eyes in return. I felt fine, okay a little less than fine, but after my last reason for visiting the doctor I was in no rush to get back to one, "Just do what the lady said Skye. He'll still be there when you're done."

I sighed when Jack gave me that fatherly look, one that I didn't have a lot of memories of until I met Jack. He seemed to give it to me all the time. So I reluctantly went with the woman, allowing her and another paramedic to examine my minor injuries. All awhile I prayed the other doctor was doing his best to save Mac.


Author's Note:

Surprise update! 2nd one today!!!

So a little of Skye and Mac (even though Mac was unconscious) and some Skye and fatherly Jack. Also just a slight hint of the Jack and Mac partnership that will forever be there.

Anyways, I threw a bit of Murdoc in there just to kind of introduce Skye to him. Unless y'all want me to write more with Murdoc, I think I'm going to move on from the subject. He got away, and he's Murdoc so he's not going to be found unless he wants them to find him again.

I'm proud with how much I've been able to update lately! And excited because of where the story is headed. So stay tuned.

Much love y'all!


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