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Skye pov.

It had been a week now since Stone's episode and I found out that Mac was making KX7 without me knowing. That also meant it had been a week since Mac had made it perfectly clear to me that he was not interested in getting back together with me. And as long as he was happy I could live with that.

We had slowly but surely taken Stone away from the drug and he wasn't as dependent on it as before. He still required small doses every few days but that was much better than before.

But today was the day. Mac and his dad were convinced that they had done it. Created the perfect KX7. I hated the fact that we were basically using our son as a guinea pig but he was going to die if we didn't do anything. That or be stuck on this drug for the rest of his life until it eventually killed him.

"You ready?" Mac looked over to me and asked. I was out of that awful wheelchair now and I stood next to him as we both looked down upon our boy.

"No," I sighed, "So let's just get this over with."

Due to an order from Oversight, the nurses and doctor had relinquished full control over to us for administration of Stone's medications; or the KX7.

Mac nodded and in the needle went. Nothing happened. Stone just laid there. I all but held my breath for an entire minute while we waited. I at last sighed in relief when our son didn't exhibit any strange reaction to the drug.

"We aren't out of the woods yet," Mac sighed along with me, "We still don't know if this is going to work or not."

"How long until we know?" I asked.

It still irked me that we could not find a way to separate Stone and the KX7. That would have been ideal. But this was not like any other drug that kids may be born addicted to. No, this drug was literally apart of him. And that's why Walsh had finally accomplished his goal. He figured out that a grown man could not handle it but a new born child could.

"We will just have to wait and see," Mac shrugged.

So thats what we did. We waited another two weeks before we were certain. Mac and I patiently waited outside of Stone's medical room in the Phoenix while the doctor was inside running some tests. He exited with an expressionless face.

"Well," I pushed when he didn't say anything.

"It appears that Stone's vitals are normal," the doctor said, "and the KX7 has fussed with his blood. And based off of the constant monitoring we have been doing the past few weeks, I'd say it appears fairly permanent."

"Are you positive?" I further asked.

"As sure as anyone can be with an unknown drug like this," the doctor nodded back.

I could feel the tension literally lift from Mac and my shoulders as we sighed and threw our arms around each other. If Jack had been around he would have had a hopeful look come to his eyes at our action. But he wasn't around and we didn't see a problem with it. Even if we weren't together, we still had our son and that kept us together in a way.

"Can we take him home now?" I asked pulling from Mac and looking at the white coated man.

"Maybe don't push it just yet, Skye," Mac said down to me.

"Actually," the doctor said pulling our attention back to him, "Stone is perfectly healthy now. I don't see a reason he wouldn't be able to go home. In fact, it might even be good for him."

I looked up to Mac with pleading eyes. So with a sigh he gave into me.

Pretty soon we were back at Mac's house setting up the crib we had gotten for Stone a year ago. Luckily it hadn't been so long that he had already out grown it. We didn't spend much time baby proofing the rest of the house. And honestly in my opinion there was just too much to baby proof.

I'll skip the not so exciting first trip home for our boy. It was nothing like what would have happened if he'd been brought home from the hospital a year ago. It was much quieter then that would have been.

Later that day Mac was called into the office. I stayed with Stone and did some straightening around the house, my new found mother instincts kicking in. But little did I know I'd need more than just motherly instincts that day.

About an hour after Mac left for the Phoenix I stood in Stone's room watching the boy sleep. Suddenly, I felt a strange sense of nausea and sleepiness wash over me. I stumbled back but quickly caught myself.

Squinting my eyebrows I looked around trying to located what caused my sudden disturbance. I took a careful sniff of the air and that's when I noticed it. It was a sweet yet chemical smell that filled the air. I looked down at Stone for a moment to make sure he was still ok before taking off to find this smells source.

I stumbled rounding the corner out of the bedroom. I used every fiber of my being to fight the drug and stay conscious. I had to in order to protect my son from whatever threat might be near. I took my phone from my pocket and quickly hit Mac's contact. I heard the phone ring only once before it was knocked from my hand.

I looked up seeing a man wearing a gas mask. Oddly enough he didn't have a gun, a knife, or any weapon of any kind. But he did quickly prepare himself in a fighting stance, forcing me to do the same. I swung at his head but I was too slow and he ducked out of the way. He came back fast, charging at me. I tumbled back over a lamp, hearing the lightbulb in it shatter as it hit the ground.

I knocked a variety of other objects to the floor as I did my best to get away from him and off the floor. I also had to be sure to lead him away from Stone without being obvious. And luckily, he followed.

Once I was able to get to my feet I turned to fight but was immediately pinned back against the wall. This guy was strong, stronger than I was at the moment due to the effects of the drug. I struggled to move for a moment but I quickly calmed in order to get my thoughts together.

In a few swift movements I brought my knee up between his legs and he stumbled back in agony. I took the moment to swing at his masked face which caused him to stagger more. The mask also fell off his face and a look of panic washed over him as he inhaled the drug in the air. Then with one last upper cut he was out. He fell to the ground and I sighed in relief. But I wasn't done yet. I dragged him into Mac's closet and used one of Mac's ties to tie the handles together so that he couldn't easily escape.

I could feel the adrenaline begin to leave my body as I tried to go back to Stone's room. I didn't make it completely through the living room before I was falling to my knees and the ability to remain conscious left me.

Author's Note:

Hey y'all! It didn't take me quite as long to get this one up! I know this chapter was kind of all over the place but all will be explained.

No new episode this Friday but it's Easter weekend so enjoy time with your family!

Thank you for all who continue to read and vote and comment! I cannot believe I've gotten over 100k reads now! I remember when I was freaking out about getting to 1k!

Much love y'all!


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