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Skye pov.

"This is Calvin Brown," Matty said hitting a button on the large screen. He was an older man, one who looked like he was nearly eighty and could still whoop your ass without even breaking a sweat.

"Well doesn't he look like a bundle of joy," Jack commented with a chuckle. He was well dressed in a suit and tie and his eyes felt as if they were piercing through my soul.

"What kind of trouble has he gotten himself into?" Mac asked leaning down to the table to grab a paperclip from the large bowl of them. He began twisting it into a shape that I couldn't quite make out.

"Actually," Matty said, "he is the one causing the problems. This girl," a young looking blonde girl appeared on the screen next, "was last seen leaving a local bar with Mr. Brown. She has been missing for several days now along with a list of other young women who's last whereabouts were also in the same location."

Nearly a dozen more pictures began to overlap onto the large screen. All the girls looked young and beautiful. But there had to be something else connecting them.

"So what is it that makes all of these girls a target of his?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. I might of been new but I had enough since in me to know what questions needed to be asked.

"From the intel I was able to grab," Riley said looking down upon her computer, "They all have major daddy issues. Their fathers are all high up there in the economy, these girls were all pretty well off."

"Are," I corrected not being able to bare the thought of anyone dead, "They ARE well off until we know otherwise."

Everyone paused for a moment looking at me and slowly Riley proceeded.

"They are all pretty well off. Nice cars, big houses, and lots of dough," Riley looked up to Matty, "But I still don't get it. There haven't been ransom notes or anything for him to make a profit off of taking these girls."

"Right," Matty said, "We suspect that he wants them for another reason."

The room got still and I could feel my stomach turn. I knew exactly what she meant by that, I think we all did.

"So how do we plan on catching his bastard," Jack said more serious than ever.

"Catching him is not what we are concerned with," Director Webber said looking at all of us, "Our job is to observe and gather intel to turn into the FBI for further investigation."

"Woah, wait what?" Mac stepped forward obviously getting a bit angered by the current topic at hand, "Gather intel? That's a joke right?"

"I'm afraid not," Matty sighed, "I was given strict instructions that if we were to assist in the catching of his man then we were not to pursue. They don't want to risk Brown catching on to us and killing one or more of the girls assuming they are still alive."

"They are," I jumped, "but they can't expect us to just sit back and watch. I know I'm new here and I but I'm pretty sure thats not how things usually roll around here."

"Most of the times I would agree with you Skye but this man has gotten away with this for too long," Matty said, "And if it takes us sitting on the sidelines for this one then that's what we'll do. Anyways, if it was any other way I'm not so sure I'd be ready to put you into the field quite yet. You still have a lot of ground to cover in training."

I sighed knowing what she said to be true but I also knew that I was going to do whatever it took to get those girls home safely, all of them.

I sighed knowing what she said to be true but I also knew that I was going to do whatever it took to get those girls home safely, all of them

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