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Mac pov.

I woke up the next morning, a smile still present on my face. The memory of the night Skye and I had just spent together lingered in my mind. I extended my arm out across the bed to pull the girl closer to me but the farther my arm reached the more it became clear to me that there was no one next to me.

So I pulled myself out of bed and pulled my pants on. I walked into the living room seeing no one so I proceeded into the kitchen. When I found it empty without even a pot of coffee brewing, I began to panic.

"Skye?" I called out. I searched the rest of the house but she was nowhere to be found. I ran back to the bedroom for my phone when I noticed a note on Skye's pillow. I swiftly snatched it up reading over it and giving a sign of relief.

There wasn't much to the note but it did let me know where Skye had gone. I finished getting dressed and walked outside to see that Skye had started up the old Jeep that had been left in her driveway since she last came back to California from Tennessee, before she lost her memory.

That meant the rental car we had used to get here from the airport was still in the driveway. So I quickly got into the car and headed towards Skye's favorite place in this small town. I took the time alone in the car to think about everything that has happened recently. Maybe I shouldn't be going after Skye so quickly. She probably needed her space. She'd recently found out that the man who took her in and helped her more than she thought she could ever deserve, was dead. I hadn't explained that he died because he had been helping Skye and Stone the last four years. I wasn't sure how Skye would react if she'd found that out. I knew how the old Skye, the one who remembered, would react. In the moment I knew that she kept her feelings inside but it broke her. Part of me was happy that she couldn't remember all of that right now but I knew when it came back, all of it would be coming back at once and chances are it was going to crush her.

I pulled into the dirt area in front of the small bar seeing that it was empty except for Skye's Jeep. It hadn't been open since Berny died. The entire town was mourning and they didn't even have a bar to go to in order to drown their sorrows.

I walked inside and saw Skye behind the counter cleaning it with a rag. The floor had been recently swept and mopped causing it to shine. I looked up to see the empty stage with only a microphone stand on it. That stage brought back a lot of memories.

Memories that I had... but Skye didn't anymore.

"There you are," the girl smiled at me. She took the rag and threw it onto the counter before walking around the bar and approaching me, "It sure did take you long enough to get here."

"Yeah," I chuckled, "it took me a minute to find your note."

"Oh that's right," she said putting a finger to her chin as if thinking, "I'm the sane one who leaves the note on the pillow. You're the one who tapes it to the door thinking that's the most logical place for me to see it."

I just shook my head and laughed at her as she rolled her eyes. She walked up to me placing her hands on my shoulders and I carelessly placed my own hands on her waste, pulling her closer to me. She just smiled at me and tilted her head as she looked into my eyes.

That's when it hit me. There was something different about her, a new light in her eyes that I hadn't noticed when I first walked in. Then I realized...

"Wait a minute," my muscles tended under her hands and I pulled away from her slightly, "I didn't tell you about that..."

The joy in her eyes grew and she nodded at me, "I know," she said.

"Does that mean?" I couldn't get my entire question out because I couldn't believe what I was even asking. Could it be true?

"I'm sorry I took our son away from you," she began, "I'm sorry for all the pain I've ever caused you."

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