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A few days past until I saw Macgyver again after that night. He left with his coworker Jack later on that night, after things got too awkward for him I guess. He claimed he was called into work but I've heard that excuse before, and what think tank calls employees in at three in the morning?

When I did see him again I was quite shocked as to what I saw. He and Jack swiftly made their way into the bar on the second night that Berny had asked me to work this week.

"Woah boys," I said catching them off guard and bringing them to an unexpected halt, "Slow your roll, where's the fire?"

They were both out of breath, eyes wide, and a look of panic was very quickly flushed from their faces.

"Sorry 'bout that princess," Jack spoke up first still breathing heavily. He gripped a steady hand around a somewhat shaking Mac's shoulder and pulled them both closer to the bar where I was.

"Yeah," now Mac's voice was sounding through my ears as he ran a hand through his sweaty hair, "Jack and I were just-"

"Makin' bets," Jack cut Mac off quickly, "I won so first rounds on you."

Blue eyes wanted to protest it seemed but instead he just nodded pulling out his wallet. I laughed turning around to grab the boys a beverage.

"If ya don't mind me asking," I said placing their drinks down in front of them, "what were you boys betting on?"

"Well," Mac took a sip of his beer and did nothing else but avoid eye contact after that.

"Mac bet you wouldn't be in here tonight but I told him no way man, a beauty like that is sure to show her face again before we leave," Jack said giving Mac a funny look and raising his eye brows to me. 

I shook my head at the two until my eyes fell on Mac. I wasn't sure how I didn't notice it before, perhaps it was the dim lighting in the room or just my carelessness and low attention to detail.

"Mac," I said surprised, "what happened?"

I was now leaning across the bar pushing hair out of his face to get a better look at his eye which had a darkened color surrounding it.

Jack and Mac looked at each other briefly before answering.

"Told you I had a bad habit of picking fights," he laughed brushing the subject off like it was nothing.

"Well who was it?" I asked. If Mac was getting himself into trouble around here I was bound to know the guy and I wanted to know exactly how much trouble the blond had gotten himself into.

"This particular fight happened to be with a piece of equipment at work," he said embarrassed at the fact, "yeah, darn thing fell and popped me real good."

"I'll say," I now relaxed a bit understanding that I wasn't going to have to hunt anyone down for the poor boy's sake.

"So when y'all leaving?" I questioned turning my attention back to the detail from Jack's earlier statement that I hadn't missed.

"Oh whenever our boss tells us to I guess," Mac shrugged, "When she gives us the all clear that everything is checked out we'll be on our way."

"Oh," I softly smile and lowered my head at the same time. Something strange had happened since those two had shown up in this town and if I was being honest with myself I wasn't ready for them to leave just yet. I couldn't say that I knew them well now but I had connected with them better than I have with most people in this town.

"Hey man," Jack elbowed Mac in the side causing the boy to jump and turn around.

I didn't quite make out what they were saying after that because they had their backs to me but whatever it was made Mac turn back around to face me all to quickly.

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