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Skye pov.

I sat in darkness. A darkness I never thought I would be able to escape. At one point there had been a light. It was so beautiful and so bright. I wanted it. So I ran towards it.

But I was violently ripped away from it by a strong electrical current that had ahold of me. Ever since then I've been here. Alone, in the darkness. It felt nice for a while because of the peace it gave me but it was beginning to be rather tiring. I was bored, and lonely. So I finally said enough was enough.

I forced my eyes open and blinked several times before they fully adjusted to the brightness of the room. It was a familiar place that I remember waking up in once before. I tried to think back to how I'd gotten here this time and that's when the memories started flooding back.

I raised the bed sheet to see a white bandage around my abdomen under my hospital gown. The area was a bit tender but overall I didn't feel as bad as I thought I would after being shot.

A song came into my mind when I looked over and saw the heap of blond hair from the boy sitting in the chair next to my bed. Bless his heart. He must of been exhausted after all that had happened.

I smiled to myself and began twirling his hair around my fingers as I sang with my horse voice that was barely above a whisper when it came out.

"Every bit of love left in this beat up, banged up, scarred up heart, thats been waiting on a boy like you," I sang slower than the song usually went and slowly Mac began to stir, "and I know it ain't much, but it comes alive with every touch. Every kiss already feels like you own it-."

Mac sat up with sleep and joy in his eyes when he looked at me.

"Baby it's yours if you want it," I finished and just sat there smiling at him.

"Hey," he spoke so softly, as if he was talking to a frightened child.

"Hi," I replied in my whisper.

"How ya feelin?" He asked. It almost looked like he was on the verge of tears but I didn't say anything.

"Not all that bad actually," I said rather confused as to why that was. One would expect to wake up in great pain after being shot but, while I was sore, I wasn't in horrible pain, "They must of doped me up with something good."

I laughed but Mac didn't. He just looked at his hand that held tightly to mine.

"What is it?" I questioned pulling his attention back to me.

"I thought I'd lost you," Mac said through watery eyes.

"I didn't go anywhere," I smiled squeezing his hand a bit tighter.

"Yes you did," he sniffled, "you left me, twice."

I wasn't sure what the second time he was referring to was but I was starting to understand what he was talking about.

"I'm sorry Mac," I sighed, "I was just doing what I thought was right-."

"You've been in a coma," he cut me off leaving me speechless.

"-what?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Your heart stopped," Mac continued and now I knew what he had meant earlier.

"Mac I don't-."

"Twice," he cut me off once again and just stared at me, "I thought I'd lost you before I could find you. And once I did, I thought I'd lose you again."

I couldn't stop thinking about his earlier statement now. A coma...

"How long?" I asked not looking at him. Mac was a bit on the frantic side now as he spoke.

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