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Skye pov.

"Plaid... Sloths.... And me," Mac smiled widely at me and I rolled my eyes at his answer.

"Don't let that last one go to your head," I smirked, "but yes, those are my favorite things."

We sat on Mac's bed. He had his back against the bed frame and his legs out straight in front of him. I was closer to the foot of the bed with my legs crossed and pulled tightly towards me. We were playing this game Bozer had told us to do which was basically a form of twenty questions. I guess it was just considered more of a "get to know you" game. Even though we already knew each other pretty well and were answering the questions for one another, like how Mac had just told me my favorite things.

"Alright," I said, "You're turn."

"Ok," he picked up his phone and looked at the next question, "What's one of your biggest secrets?"

My heart skipped a beat at the question. Mac continued to look at me then chuckled.

"You gonna answer?" He asked.

"You first," I said trying to get time to think of something.

"I'm pretty sure thats not how this is suppose to work," he told me.

"Well," I leaned closer to him, placing my hand on his knee, "I feel like this would be a good question for both of us to answer. Besides Mac, I know there's been something on your mind for a while."

Mac looked down and fiddled with the watch on his wrist.

"Does it have anything to do with that?" I asked and he sighed. I was good a reading Mac. I had never really been that good with others but we had this connection where I knew when something was bothering him.

"Its my dad's," he said observing it with care.

"You've been looking for him, haven't you?" I knew he had and I'd be stupid if I didn't. Him and Jack had taken several 'missions' on their own. Only I never heard anything about them and Matty never told us of anything going on. Mac glanced up at me and took a deep breath.

"Yeah," he nodded, then adverted his gaze once more, "Skye-"

He began saying my name as if he was about to try and explain himself so I quickly stopped him.

"It's alright Mac," I chuckled, "I don't blame you for wanting to find your dad. Yes, I wish you would of told me but if time is what you needed then I was willing to give that to you."

Mac smiled at me shaking his head.

"You-" he laughed.

"Me?" I questioned.

"There isn't anyone else like you, Skye Miller," he finished.

"Why thank you," I flipped my hair over my shoulder and gave him a cute grin.

"Alright," he said leaning back and getting comfortable, "You're turn."

Crap. I was hoping to avoid this. If I was being honest, I didn't have a secret I was willing to share. Most of my secrets had to do with my family and I was not in the mood to dive into that subject now nor ever. So I put on my best lie face and shrugged.

"No secrets here," I said, but of course he didn't buy that like I'd hoped he would.

"Everyone's got secrets," Mac gave me this look like he could see right through me. This was not good. I couldn't tell him, he'd hate me. Then, after hearing from Jack, back when we'd first met, Nikki's story... I couldn't do that to him. I was not my mother nor my father and this was the reason I didn't want anything to do with them anymore. There was no chance I could tell Mac.

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