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Mac pov.

"You're late kid," a tall angered man, which most people around here call Goliath, shouted at me upon entering. In reality his name was Gretel Herman, like Hansel and Gretel only I guess his mother was hoping for a girl. So yeah, if I was him I'd stick with Goliath too.

"I don't recall being assigned a specific time to be here in ordered to actually be considered late," I corrected the man. And in hindsight that was not the best idea seeing as this man had a track record for having a bad temper. He reared back and backhanded me before I could think to defend myself. I stumbled a bit but caught myself against the wall, knowing if I'd actually fallen it could of been worse seeing as this man hates weakness.

"Get to work!" He barked at me. Yep, he was definitely in a bad mood today. My feet raced over to the table where I was to prepare my makeshift dye packs for our money move. This was it, what I'd been waiting for. The entire reason I'd been here since I quit the Phoenix. We were about to meet him, the top dog, the big guy... Goliath's Boss.

This man was so good that I'd been sent in as an ex secret agent looking to seek revenge on this country that'd wronged him. And it was only just now that I was actually getting this close to getting this guys identity. So I couldn't afford to blow this.

I was to design the dye packs as if they were a bomb of sorts where only I would be able to disarm them but they were not allowed to contain a tracker. Which meant I'd be relying entirely on memory for how to reach this place again once we busted Goliath and his boss.

"When will you learn to just keep your mouth shut and do your work?" A man by the name of Robert Hickman asked as I approached the table where him and I worked.

"When Goliath learns how to treat coworkers," I sarcastically replied with a glance in the boss's direction.

"Listen kid," Robert was an older gentleman, much older than my former partner... Jack. I hadn't seen him in four months since I'd left the Phoenix and was sent here by some new organization. I'd be honest there where a few... okay several days that I missed Jack. Days that I thought to myself if he was only here I could be long gone from this place, or maybe not of obtained as many bruises and broken bones.

"Clay!" The older man grabbed me and slammed me against the wall drawing me from my thoughts. He kept me tightly pressed there with his face only inches from mine. We both showed no fear to one another. I easily recognized the name because I'd been going by it for four months now and it almost felt as if it were my true name.

Robert would be considered my "partner" here I guess and he looked out for me. But he and I had a very different relationship then that of Jack and I. He was ruff when he needed my attention and he wasn't scared to leave a few bruises on me himself. When I got in trouble with Goliath or anyone else in the facility Robert never cut in, but he was always there afterwards to show to me what I'd done wrong.

After realizing he'd caught my attention and left a decent bruise on my collar bone he released his arm.

"Get to work," he snapped, "you don't want Goliath getting mad again."

I didn't waste any time after that and did as I was told.

Skye pov.

I was really starting to regret my decision in agreeing to join this organization. For the last four months since I'd met Agent Brody we'd been in training together. And this training was even worse then my "orientation". It was made so that Brody and I would become like one and be able to trust each other. And it took us four months to get there.

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