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Skye pov.

The second Mac kissed me I lost it. At first I was enjoying the moment, after all I basically told him to do it. But his hands traveled down my body and any other time I would of more than enjoyed the feeling. Unfortunately his touch brought the awful imagine of Dan back, touching me in those ways and much worse. I pulled away from Mac harshly with a pained expression. He stepped back for a moment and then took a step towards me with his hands out in concern. I took another step back and smirked at him in order to hide what I was really feeling. Then I pushed past him to see Jack stood leaning in the doorway.

"Hey Princess," he spoke softly to me, looking me up and down, seeing the array of bruises over my tired body.

"Jack," I grinned and the tears came to my eyes.

He stepped forward and gently wrapped his arms around me in a fatherly hug.

"Are you sure you're alright?" he questioned while we stood there hugging.

"I will be," I said into his shirt.

"Listen," Jack pulled me carefully away from him and looked at me seriously, "I know you may not like it but, I'm sure Mac would agree with me on this, I really think we should go ahead and take you down to medical at the Phoenix."

"I know but I'm fine, seriously," I tried reassuring them but Mac chimed on in.

"Jack's right Skye," He said, "You don't look too good."

"What happened to your shoes?" Jack asked pointing down. I now noticed my ugly bloody bare feet. Looking down at them I stumbled back but caught myself before I did anything too embarrassing. Mac reached out towards me but I held my hands up to him.

"I couldn't find them when I came to at Dan's so I just took off without them," I shrugged as if it was nothing. I then noticed their worried looks again, "I'm fine y'all, seriously."

"If you're fine you won't mind us going on down their just to put our own minds at ease, right?" Jack smirked at me. I huffed and rolled my eyes and finally gave in to the two knowing they would not stop until I did.

They both grinned and Jack stepped inside to grab his keys. Mac grabbed a jacket from the coat rack and placed it around my shoulders before leading me to the car.

The ride to Phoenix was not that long but it felt like forever as I was trying my best to keep my eyes open as I leaned closely against Mac's chest the whole time.

"Are you okay?" Mac asked looking down at me.

"I wish you'd stop asking me that," I slurred, "I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine princess," Jack commented from the front seat.

"I'm just tired," I stated. Finally we pulled into the parking lot and I pulled myself up from the seat and lazily made my way to the medical bay with Mac's firm hand guiding me the whole way.

A small framed, kind looking young nurse took me back to a room, away from Jack and Mac. She handed me a gown and told me to change out of my dirty clothes. When I peeled my pants off my body the nurse caught sight of the amount of now dried blood around my lower region. She gave me a sorrowful look and a damp cloth to go and clean myself up with. I smiled at her and walked into the bathroom cleaning the still tender area.

An hour later, I sat in the bed with an IV in my arm to hydrate my body once more. The Phoenix doctor had already been in and examined me. I was more than thankful the doctor was female and when she discovered what had happened I practically begged her not to say anything but she still wrote it onto her clipboard. Before she left she gave me a light sedative to help ease me to rest. I wasn't happy with it but there was nothing I could do to stop the woman.

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