Forty Seven

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February 11, 2014


"You have got to be a dumbass!" I hear detective Bunch yell out to me. I just look straight to the wall.

"What you expect me to do?! He shot my girl!" I yell.

"You didn't think to call the police?!"

"To my fucking understanding somebody already called y'all asses!" I yell back. "Man fuck this shit" I say getting up.

"Nigga sit yo ass down! I ain't playing with you!" He yells. I smack my teeth and kick the chair across the room.

"Go call my fucking lawyer! I know yo ass ain't do the shit!" I yell. We just stare at each other until he leaves the room.

I've been at this damn station since yesterday. Not knowing if Nicki was okay or anything. What really pissed me off was Blaze.

That was his second attempt in shooting Nicki and this time he actually tagged her. That's where he fucked up. He did it in front of me. Actually fuck that! I don't give a fuck if he did it when I didn't see it. He did it.


"I got her Meek!" Rico yells. I ignore his ass too busy focused on beating Blaze ass.

"I HEARD YOU LIKE ABUSING BITCHES AND SHIT! HOW YOU LIKE IT IF I BEAT YO ASS!? HUH?! WEAK ASS PIECE OF SHIT!!" I yell punching the shit out of his face repeatedly.

I didn't need no damn gun. I was gone beat his ass to death. Seeing the blood escape from his face I didn't stop. All I seen was red. I heard nothing.

Being pulled off him by the police with struggle to even let up on his ass they roughly push me off. Getting pulled up I stomp his ass.



"Rico help me apply pressure" I yell trying to breathe regularly through the pain in my leg. Blood was stained through my tights.

He helps me into the hospital emergency area and a nurse takes me to the next available room. A doctor comes just moments later and gets the bullet out my leg.

Giving me pain relief medication and some General anesthesia for my surgery.

It's the next day and I wake up in ICU. Candi was with Thembi and Rika sleeping in the seats that were in the room. I clear my throat.

"Nicki is up" Candi says getting up. She walks over to me. "Hey bae" she says.

"Hey" I say.

"We came as soon as Rico told me you were here" she says. "He said he would be taking care of the warehouse with Dollas and Van. He told Omelly and the chasers about Meek so they trying to take care of him" she says.

"Is Blaze dead?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. " she says. There is a knock at the door and Detective Picks walks in.

"Didn't expect to see you in here" she says.

"Yeah me either. But fucking around with Blaze he always ends up leading me to a hospital " I say. I see Candi's face get saddened.

"He got beat pretty badly by Meek" she says.

"So he's not dead?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Meek was sure ass hell trying to beat him to death though. He would of too, had the police not shown up in the middle of it"

"Tragic" I say. She laughs.

"We have Meek down at the station. I came to let you know there's a good chance he could be going back to prison"

"What?" I ask.

"Detective Bunch isn't trying to let him walk"

"I don't see what Meek did to be going back to jail. Blaze came and trespassed and had a gun. Meek didn't even use the gun to shoot him. He was beating his ass"

"I know. All valid points. I'm going to be trying to flip some stuff around but if I can't shake him, the most time he can do is maybe three to five months. Just for assault"

"Assault? It was self defense and protection to me" I say.

"I'll try my best" she says and walks out. Rika and Thembi then walk over to me.

"Everything will be okay Cookie" Thembi says.

"Yeah just focus on healing your leg healthy again and we can all help out Meek" Rika says.

"Tell Rico to call Denise. She has to be Meek's lawyer" I say. She nods and goes to get her phone. I don't care if I was in a wheelchair. I'm still going to be making moves.

"Thembi can you go get my doctor?" I ask. She nods leaving out the room.

"Candi I need you to go to my house. Pack me some clothes and get Rocko. Take her to the warehouse" I say.

"Nicki you don't want her to stay with me?" She asks.

"I want her at the warehouse so I can use her to keep an eye on the money coming in this week" . She nods.

After Candi leaves my doctor comes in.


After being left alone Detective Picks comes in. She was with a girl I ain't never seen before.

"Your lawyer is here" she says.

"This ain't my-"

"Nicki M recommended me to you. I'm her lawyer. One of the best in the east coast" she says. "I'm Denise"

"Oh. She called for you the other night"

"Yeah. Unfortunately I was on a delta flight coming back from vacation. But I'm here now. I already talked to Nicki and Detective Picks here" she says winking at Stormy.

"So Nicki is okay?" I ask.

"Yes. Her leg just needs to heal. She's had surgery and everything" Picks says. She then slides a paper to me.

"We got you" I read. I sit back in my chair.

"I will be meeting with the chief about not having to serve you time. It shouldn't be hard. But if for some reason I can't win on your behalf the most time you have to do is three to five months" Denise says.

"For that time, I should of killed his ass" I say folding my arms. They both laugh.

"Im sure you and Nicki will handle that" she says winking before walking out with Detective Picks. All I can think is real smooth Nic. Real smooth.

Shae 💰

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