Jeonghan (I)

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Jeonghan didn't like his long hair, it was a dare that had gone wrong between the two of you; he obviously had lost.

The bet involved Jeonghan's ability to get a discount using his self-proclaimed 'angelic aegyo' and would have resulted in either:

A) a buzz cut on you


B) long hair on Jeonghan

But because he had failed the bet, his hair was now long, just a little ways past his shoulders.

He was sitting on the sofa now, brushing his hair out of his face and getting thoroughly frustrated when the strand would slip from behind his ears.

You couldn't help but giggle a little at the puffed cheeked frustration that he was displaying and quickly ran to the bathroom and snagged a brush and a couple of hair ties before re-emerging.

You bounced onto the couch beside Jeonghan and sat cross legged facing his side. He looked up from his phone, only to have a lock of hair once again fall in front of his face. He stuffed the rebellious strand behind his ear with a loud huff.

"Why can't I cut my hair?" Jeonghan's voice had a whine mixed deliberately within it, eyes wide and beseeching.

You smiled cheekily, "Because if you did," you held up the brush and hair ties, "I wouldn't be able to do this." With that you gently turned his body so his back was facing you.

When you started to run the brush through his hair, he couldn't hide the pleased little hum that escaped his throat. But when you started weaving strands together, and as a result were running your fingers through his hair and gently scraping along his scalp, the hum grew a little louder.

When you finished the braid, you nudged it to the side before leaving a small kiss on his exposed neck.You leaned forward so your lips were by his ear. "See, long hair isn't so bad."

{new!} a/n hey. just wanted to say that i am open to requests. but uh, i'm kinda selective when it comes to doing them so... i suppose it would be more of a surprise than anything if i actually got to it lol

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