Joshua (IV)

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in which you work as a lifeguard and someone likes to bother you. 

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as you clipped your whistle onto your swimsuit, you prayed that he wouldn't show up again.

you worked for your local township as a lifeguard and swimming safety instructor, a fact that you had kept from people at your school as best as possible. it was just something you didn't want people to know since you knew that some curious kids were going to come simply to make your life harder.

the said group of guys weren't exactly bullies or anything like that, they just liked to fool around at the pool and tease you since you happened to be on duty whenever they visited. which was strange, considering that none of these kids were competitive swimmers or anything, they just wanted to hang out, you supposed.

but on more than one occasion, the twenty-pound brick flew through the air with alarming velocity, almost hitting an innocent but elderly lady who was minding her own business. you had very angrily escorted them out. and they didn't seem to understand what keep out means. they always slipped into the equipment room to bring out either piles of rings or, like today, wheeled out the container filled with at least eighty flippers. one particular lee jaehwan seemed to get 'hurt' constantly.

yeah, you had to stop them right this instant.

"jaehwan, stop it. right now." you pinned the chuckling boy with the most intimidating glare you could summon. apparently, it was not even close to being enough because he just winked at you and kept pushing the large container. you wondered why hakyeon wasn't here today, usually the handsome male could talk some sense into these idiots.

jaehwan stopped and you were almost naive enough the think that maybe he'll listen to you. "i'll stop if you go on a date with me."

you snorted. "how about no."

it wasn't the first time he asked. he constantly badgered you for a date and at first you were polite and told him that you weren't interested and that there were more than enough girls in the school that would die to be his girlfriend. but no.

the boy didn't know how to take a hint and back off. it felt like he was even more determined to make you agree when you simply didn't want to. and truth be told, if it wasn't for the fact you already had your eye on someone else, you would've seriously considered his offer.

it was just too bad that joshua hong had stolen your heart.

. . .

joshua had the patience of a saint. ask anyone, he was the person to go to when there was a crying toddler or a defiant teen that needed coaxing. somehow, he carried an air so kind that it was almost demanding, children wanted to listen to him. it was like magic.

but this particular magic was wearing thin for the male when he saw jaehwan approach you again.

when you had first joined the town, he was instantly smitten. just everything about you seemed so perfect, even your quirky habits and awkward laughter was infinitely appealing. but it was hard for him to act on it; while the two of you did spend time together as friends outside of work, there never seemed like a right time to confess.

or maybe he was scared.

but seeing jaehwan, a tall, fit male consistently pursue you put quite a bit of pressure on him. besides, he saw the way jaehwan looked at you.

he knew exactly why you were supposed to wear swimsuits on deck, it was common sense, but truth be told, he always forgot reason when it comes to you. the way the fabric outlined your body for all to see made him want to shove his hoodie over you.

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