S. Coups (III)

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S. Coups

Seungcheol looked good on his new bike, and he knew it too.

. . .

You blinked before staring in disbelief at the sight present before your eyes. "Seungcheol?"

The sleek black motorcycle that slid its way right next to your decade old vehicle made little to no noise when he cut the engine and hopped off. Dressed in dark leather, with a similarly dark helmet on, Seungcheol looked even more fit and built than he usually appeared to be. With a smooth movement, the helmet was removed, revealing a mess of hair than he casually fixed with his fingers.

He turned to you, a twinkle in his eyes. "Hey."

You wanted to say something back, anything. But you were staring gob smacked at the ridiculously attractive image that he was, all tousled hair and graceful power.

Seungcheol smirked, your reaction was even better than the one he was anticipating. It was so worth it.

"Hey, uh hi." You wanted to smack yourself, just because he showed up on a bike doesn't mean you start acting like an idiot; but you stole another glance at him anyway. You took a moment to settle your nerves and pretended to gather your things.

You took a little peek. Nope, your heartrate spiked as soon as you glanced at him.

He was more than amused by your obvious embarrassment and the streak of red that was dashed across your cheeks. "So, you like it?"

Your eyes refused to look directly at him, as you answered in an overly casual manner. "Yeah, it's cool."

He snickered. "I was thinking more on the opposite side of the spectrum. My baby's hot."

Why are you blushing? You tried to will the heat to go away but it was stubbornly fighting its way onto your face. "Sure, whatever." You had to leave now before you said or did something stupid, like kissing the cocky smirk right off his face.

You hopped out of your car before locking it and turning to leave. Seungcheol's voice called from behind you.

"You have a standing invitation to a ride with me!"

You tried to tell yourself that it was just the weather, never mind that it was mild, that caused your cheeks to be flushed with the brightest red known to man.

. . .

It hadn't even been a day and the entire cafeteria was buzzing with the fascinating topic of how hot Seungcheol looked on his motorcycle. The pains of being in a small high school, when something remotely exciting happened, the students would snap it up like starved wolves.

As you sat down in front of your friend, Kei who was fixing her signature fringe while she waited for your arrival.

"Have you seen –" You cut her off.

"Don't you start on Seungcheol too," you groaned tiredly as you began to dig into your lunch. "Like the rest of the student body hasn't run that topic to the ground already."

She laughed, eyes watching you carefully as you avoided looking at anything except your lunch. "But c'mon. You have to admit that him and bikes were a match made in heaven."

"Everyone looks cool on a motorcycle, I bet you could pull it off." You shrug, "It's nothing special."

"But I wouldn't look like Seungcheol." She wondered when you'd realize that you liked the boy a lot more than you let on.

"Kei, I'm just tired of hearing his name. Can't we talk about something else?" You grumbled as you tried to ignore how his name would fly into your ears once every few seconds.

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