Joshua (V)

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an old christmas shot i wrote like three months ago. yeah, joshua currently has a lot of one shots otl. enjoy


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You wrapped your freezing hands around your mug of hot chocolate. Christmas was nearing already, the year seemed to be a blur now that you thought about it. It was a little late in the evening, but you didn't mind.

Peace was all you felt; the stress you had accumulated over time found itself disappearing along with the sweet drink you had ordered at a usually bustling café. Your eyes drew in all the minute details you had never taken the time to appreciate, like the way the lamplights reflected mutely against the sparkling snow.

You painted a beautiful picture. Joshua couldn't look away if he wanted to. He found himself completely enraptured in the way your lips curled into a tranquil smile and the way your eyes seemed to draw in all the light in the vicinity, twinkling merrily.

You didn't notice him, and perhaps he preferred it this way. He could have never guessed that when he went on a quick coffee run to the local café he would discover you. He didn't know who you were, if you were kind or cruel, but it mattered little to him.

Yet the softness of your expression indicated nothing but honesty to your character.

When you reached the bottom of your cup, you sighed with a hint a wistfulness. You were reluctant to leave this small reprieve behind you but you steeled yourself to leave.

Joshua watched as the happiness in your eyes dimmed; he couldn't help but to feel his own fading as a result. You were just a stranger but he wanted so terribly to see you joyful. He watched silently as your figure faded into the night.

A misty look of softness entered Joshua's eyes as he thought back to your expression as you looked out the window. It seemed that he wasn't going to forget you anytime soon.

. . .

It was a scant five days before Christmas when you revisited the café again. It was nice to return and discover once again that it was nearly empty, it was the perfect end to a stressful day.

After ordering your customary hot chocolate, you settled yourself into one of the café tables by the windows. However, your usual table was taken by another, a young man to be exact. You didn't particularly mind since there were so many other empty seats. However, your eyes couldn't seem to stop straying back to the individual that sat there engrossed in some sort of work.

He was hunched over slightly, one arm braced against the table while the other was preoccupied with brushing shining strands of hair out of his vision. His look of total concentration struck a chord within you, making an impression that would embed itself within the recesses of your mind. You were drawn in by his lightly furrowed eyebrows that rested over intense eyes glowing with focus, his smooth and rhythmic movements of his fingers twirling his pen, his teeth biting gently into his lower lip as his concentration grew.

You weren't sure how long you spent studying him, but you jolted when you saw that he was gathering his items to leave. Embarrassment showed itself on your cheeks as you quickly whipped your head away from his direction; you fiddled aimlessly with your mug of tepid hot chocolate as you watched him slowly disappear into the night.

Even after he had gone, his face was still as vivid as ever.

. . .

It was Christmas Eve and for some unfathomable reason you were back in the café. For once the café was a tumult of activity, conversations at a volume usually unheard of during usual nights. After spending a quarter of an hour fidgeting awkwardly, you didn't know why you were here or why something deep in your soul told you to wait.

Finally, you couldn't take this state of agitated limbo any longer, and stood to leave. The door jingled as you began to make your way out, but you paid it no heed.

You were completely preoccupied by your thoughts, trying to find any reason that would rationalize your bizarre behaviour.

Joshua saw you immediately and froze, how could he not? He had been haunted by the vision of you every night when he fell asleep. He couldn't seem to decide whether it was curse or a blessing for your eyes were always so unfathomably deep; it was near impossible to escape. Not that he fought hard to.

And you bumped into someone. It wasn't anything jarring, considering both of you were walking quite slowly. Nonetheless, you raised your head and was about to issue an apology when the sight of face caused you to lose all train of thought.

You blinked before stuttering, "I-I'm so sorry about that, I really should have watched where I was going."

It was him. The one you would find yourself thinking about at random times during the day, the one that seemed to drift in and out of your dreams, the one you couldn't seem to forget. It seemed so silly that a random person you had seen would have such an impact on your life.

Joshua didn't respond. He found himself unable to escape the depths of your eyes that seemed just as beautiful tonight as that night. Perhaps even more so as they were tinged with concern.

A sudden hush fell through the café before someone called out, "So you kissing her or what?"

Both of you simultaneously looked up to see a mistletoe dangling from the ceiling.

A bright red blush lit up your cheeks as you stared at the ground abashedly. Although he was just as shy and embarrassed Joshua tentatively reached a hand towards yours. Both of you didn't expect the pleasant tingles that came from the contact; you raised your eyes so that they could meet his. His gaze pulled you in immediately.

Joshua began to bring your hand up slowly while he watched your face for any indication of unwillingness. Finding none, he dipped his head to press his lips onto the back of your hand.

There was an exaggerated eruption of noise within the quaint little café as fellow customers grew rowdy with the little spectacle they had just witnessed.

When his eyes met with yours, a bright smile that sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach made its way onto his lips. His eyes were bright with happiness and you could feel yourself exuding the same emotion.

"So, would you care for a drink?" His cheeky smile was infinitely charming.

You had totally forgotten that you had already had a drink when you replied, "That would be lovely."

. . . 

a/n sorry theres been no updates, but twelfth grade is no joke rn. although on break gots lots to do. i have snippets of things that i'll post if i got time. 

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