Wonwoo (I)

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You grabbed the throw blanket from the hallway closet since you had finished all other preparations for your movie night. Before you returned to the living room however, you couldn't help but to peek into Wonwoo's room. He was probably asleep, the man can't seem to catch enough Zs in his lifetime.

You had long given up trying to convince him to join in on your spontaneous movie nights since all he would ever do was make fun of your choice of movie. Maybe it was because you had a guilty pleasure in 'chick flicks'?

As you tucked the blanket around yourself and pressed play, the movie "Ghost" began. It had always been one of your favourites and never failed to make you laugh and tear up a little.

When Sam and Molly were walking home together at night, a couple moments before Sam's tragic death, you felt the couch dip. A large warm body slid in next to you and pulled you into their embrace.

You turned your head up to face him, a question in your eyes.

Wonwoo grinned a little as he replied, "I was lonely."

Your heart melted a little and you tucked yourself under his chin and rested your arms around his torso.

Soon you were drawn back into the film; the humour and plot had you enraptured. Surprisingly Wonwoo said nothing except a couple chuckles here and there in response to Oda Mae's antics.

It felt so nice to be wrapped up and nestled snugly with your boyfriend with one of your favourite movies playing.

As the movie drew to a close, you felt the familiar warmth flooding your chest as the bittersweet ending caused tears to well up in your eyes. Wanting to see how Wonwoo was doing, you inclined your head a little only to see the most soft and loving expression on his face directed towards you.

When he saw that you were looking at him, the openness of his eyes closed but the sweet smile never left his lips. He had never worn his heart on his sleeve in this way throughout your relationship. To see him so unguarded caused your heart to thud quicker.

The movie was the last thing on your mind as you reached your hands up to his neck and gently pulled him down to give him a kiss. The initial surprise did nothing to impede the growing fervour of both your kisses.

Somehow you had both ended up lying down, Wonwoo maneuvering so he was leaning above you.

"If this is what I can look forward to when I watch a movie with you, I'll have to do it more often." He smirked, his lips were red from kissing.

You chuckled a little before rolling your eyes and pressing your lips onto his once more.

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