Jeonghan (IV)

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for AiWritesStuff, hopefully this doesn't disappoint~


Nothing like a good ol' aquarium date.

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As you waited in front of the aquarium, you couldn't help but to rock back and forth on your heels. You fiddled idly with the strap on your purse as you watched for the familiar sight of your boyfriend, Jeonghan.

Not a moment later does his eye-catching light pink head of hair appear by the gate as you wave enthusiastically at him. You don't even notice that your lips had formed a sweet smile when he finally reaches you.

"You're a little late," you huff playfully, "Did you oversleep again?" You watch as a light pink that matched his hair appear on his cheeks.

"I didn't mean to," Jeonghan takes your hand and intertwines your fingers, "I know how much you were looking forward to our date."

"I'm just teasing," you grin cheekily, "I should be used to it by now, I know how much you like your Zs."

A sly sparkle appears in his eyes as he tugs you closer to his side to whisper in your ear, "I do like my sleep, but I'm here, which means I like you even more."

You hit him lightly, embarrassed. "Oh stop, let's just head on in."

. . .

As soon as you stepped into the first section of the aquarium, you couldn't help the little sigh of amazement. The tropical fish came in all shapes, sizes, and colours; you were particularly taken with the angelfish.

You flitted from one tank to the next as there was just so much to take in. The clear water allowed you to watch the fish dart all around the water. Their sparkling scales were enchanting, the colours were only complimented by the bright array of coral and anemones.

Jeonghan watched you with a fond glint in his eyes, you never changed. Although you had been to the aquarium before, that didn't dampen your spirit in the least. Your eyes twinkled merrily as you reach the end of the first area.

"Jeonghan," you called out to him as you beckoned him to come quicker. "They have a koi pool!"

The faux pond was made with detail, it was large enough to fit fifty people and was ringed with real rocks. The colourful koi swam lazily from here to there except when people dropped in some fish feed into the water.

He didn't even bother to ask you if you wanted to feed the fish, judging simply by the eager way you were looking in the pond, he knew.

"Here," he passed you a cup of fish feed.

You smiled happily as you took the cup from his hands, "Thank you." You don't forget to press a quick kiss onto his cheek before sprinkling a bit of food into the water. You watch as the giant koi begin to make their way to you.

Jeonghan can't help but to think he made a killing. A measly cup of fish food for one of your kisses? That was more than a deal.

"Hey," you nudge your boyfriend who had been spacing out a little, "That one is either really fat or pregnant."

He jolts out of his haze to see the pale gold fish that, true to your words, has a midsection that bulged significantly more than the others, "You might be right."

You hummed thoughtfully, "Maybe we should feed her some more, after all, she has other mouths to feed, right?"

Jeonghan chuckles at how cute you were being, "I don't know how you're going to get it to her alone though. She seems like she's having quite some difficulty getting to the food."

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