Seungkwan (V)

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A little songbird looking for a home and found it, with you.

. . .

One of your friends had mentioned to you how an egg had fallen into her life and made it a mess and perfection at the same time. You couldn't deny that a little piece of you wanted the same, for the longest time you had been alone; it had been ages since you've seen your family, and you'd like to keep it that way.

Being alone for you wasn't exactly a choice, but if it kept you away from the manipulation and forced relationships, you were more than happy to be alone. But loneliness always hovered above you like a curse.

You sighed softly as you prepared yourself some ready-made dinner and pondered your lonely existence. So you were more than startled when you heard a knock at the door, who exactly could it be? No one ever came uninvited, so you thought it might've been some scouts selling cookies or whatnot. Unfortunately, you didn't think to check the peephole that was created for just this reason.

You opened the door and a giant flying object knocked you out cold.

. . .

When you came to, you were on the couch and not on the floor that you remembered passing out on. Immediate suspicion filled you as this could only mean one thing, you either dreamed up the whole thing or something, someone was in the house.

The throbbing in your head let you rule out the first and more pleasant possibility. Your eyes blinked slowly as you gingerly sat up, any sudden movements made your head thump painfully.

"Ugh," you mumbled underneath your breath, "Was I hit by a truck?" You swung your legs over to the side of the couch and made a movement to stand when a face appeared in your line of vision.

You lost all strength in your limbs and fell back onto the couch as you stared at him, his face was not the most perfect, nor was he handsome in the traditional sense, but he was just so charming. Rounded cheeks and rounded eyes as well as lips that were lifted into an adorable smile. But then your eyes strayed lower and realized a very important detail.

He's naked.

. . .

When you passed out again, Seungkwan's happy smile melted into a worried frown as he strode over quickly to see what was wrong with his soulmate. As he crept closer, he grew more concerned by the fact that you were covered by scraps of cloth and well, he was 100% cloth free.

Perhaps I should find some cloth as well?

After running about for a bit, he found a large white one hanging from a hook so took it wrapped it about himself before running back to your prone figure on the couch. He hovered hesitantly beside you, unsure of what exactly he should do, so far all he's done is admire your beauty.

Unknown to him, a red flush had appeared on his cheeks as he studied the gentle curve of your very much kissable lips and unconsciously began to lean towards you.

And you woke up to find the stranger's lips pressed against yours.

. . .

"Okay," you nodded slowly, "So you're my soulmate." You couldn't help it, you were very much skeptical of what was going on, but there were a couple things that stopped you from throwing him out of your home.

One, you happened to see the name that shimmers to existence, branded onto your wrist that matched the name he introduced himself as, Seungkwan.

Two, you could also see the remnants of the egg that smashed into you near the front of the house.

And three, his eyes, their warm and delicious chocolate filling you and your heart with a strange feeling that you couldn't fully understand. But you knew it was pleasant and your ever-present loneliness began to fade.

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