Dino (I)

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"Lee Chan."

"Hm?" He looked up from the video he was currently watching on his laptop. You were in an apron beating eggs for a dish you were making for dinner.

"You didn't hear a word I said earlier did you?" You had an annoyed edge to your words.

"Nope, not a syllable." He wasn't even looking at you as he turned back to the screen.

The agitation you currently felt was being directly translated into the eggs that were utterly and totally overbeaten. Even though you realized this, your movements didn't halt in the slightest as you sent a death glare in Chan's direction.

You watched in exasperation as his focus was completely taken by the video. You could only admit defeat as you walked back into the kitchen to finish up dinner.

"I swear if he keeps this up, he's going to have to make dinner for the rest of the month," you grumbled under your breath as you viciously cubed some tomatoes.

Dinner was slightly stiff affair as Chan was still watching more videos on his phone as he ate the food you had prepared. You didn't even bother to try to distract him.

. . .

"Honey," he called out, purposefully making his voice sweet and cooing. "Don't be mad at me."

You tried not to pout as you felt him coming closer to you. You had prepared for an early night and was reading a book before your husband interrupted.

"Go away."

"Go away?" He exclaimed dramatically. "But wherever shall I go if not to into the arms of my love?"

You snorted. "I'm positive Michael's arms will be open for you. Doesn't he have a wax statue somewhere? You can go find him and proclaim your undying love."

Chan slid his body in next to yours so he could wrap his arms around you. "Honey, why would I need some wax figure when I have you. My perfect, patient, lovely wife?"

"Stop it."

"My beautiful, understanding, caring wife." He continued to ply you with sweet words, but you weren't going to give in this time.

"You love Michael Jackson more than me."

"No!" He defended, "You and MJ weigh equally in my heart."

"You're impossible." You sighed, giving up once again.

He leaned in close before whispering softly, "But you love me anyway."

Before you could make your sound of disgust, you were cut off by a multitude of very distracting kisses.

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