Jeonghan (III)

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You liked the three o'clock bus a little too much.

. . .

The sun was streaming through the bus window as you rode the early afternoon bus home. It felt quite pleasant, the rays of light warmed you up slightly as the fall air grew colder by the day. You fiddled idly with your cellphone, never staying on one app for more than a few minutes before giving up and just watching what was going on outside.

You looked down at your phone again when the bus arrived at another stop, wondering if anyone new was going to step on. Other than students, there would usually be little adults who would take this bus. But you had absurdly early shifts so here you were, riding on the bus in the afternoon.

When the bus doors closed, something compelled you to look up. Before you did, you noted the way the newcomer walked, in a measured step, unlike the rushed ones of teenagers you were accustomed to.

It was almost as if he was waiting for you to glance at him, like it was only natural, because when you did, he was looking right at you. You were taken aback, not because he was already looking at you, but because he was heartbreakingly beautiful. When he knew he had caught your eye, he sent you a shy smile before seating himself across from you.

You didn't know him. At least you thought you didn't.

. . .

You crossed your legs as you studied the crossword on the daily newspaper you had randomly picked up at the library. Although you rarely did so, you began doing the crossword after completing the word search quite quickly. You gave up soon after and boredom resettled as you became stuck after a few minutes.

Just in time to see him step onto the bus.

When he walked in, he scanned the seats in search of something before landing on you as if you were what he was looking for. He didn't break eye contact as he approached you, a pretty smile on his lips as he came closer and closer.

"You don't mind if I sit here, do you?" His voice was just as pretty. You nodded a little woodenly, wondering why he would sit next to you.


After he had settled himself and the bus had started moving again, he leaned towards you, affecting your heart quite seriously.

"I'm quite partial to crosswords," he glanced down at, "Least green, as fruit. Hm, six letters."

You weren't sure what kind of situation this was, you didn't know the man at all. And while you didn't feel uncomfortable, he was still very well a stranger. You were just about to ask him what he wanted and who he was when he snatched the pencil from your hand. There was a tingling sensation where his fingertips brushed your hand.

"Now then, I do believe that the word should be..." He tried his best to pencil in the letters on the moving bus. "Ripest."

When he placed the newspaper down you finally spoke, "I'm sorry. But do I know you?"

"I know you," a soft look entered his eyes, "But you don't know me. How fitting."

He stretched out a hand, "Yoon Jeonghan, pleasure to meet you."

His hand was very warm and very familiar.

. . .

"Jeonghan," you greeted as you saw your friend as he bounded toward you, his long brown hair fluttering in the spring wind. The wide smile he gave you as you welcomed him made him forget the feelings of anger and frustration he had originally had. 

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