Hallowe'en Special (I) '17

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SEVENTEEN: Performance Team

In which you all watch a movie.

. . .

You were tucked in a gigantic fluffy blanket as you settled yourself directly in front of the large T.V that was currently playing an ad. You felt a tug on your blanket and turned to see Dino with large eyes pulling insistently, hoping you would be generous enough to give him some shelter.

You didn't say a word and offered the blanket to the now happy boy, he was tucked joyfully next to you, a plus that was even better than the warmth offered by the blanket. The young one was sneaky indeed.

When Jun walked into the living room to see this, a wave a dissatisfaction washed through him. "Chan, you seem to enjoying yourself."

You glanced at the newcomer and shrugged offhandedly, offering the other side of the covering to the taller dancer, "You could always join if you want. But you don't really like the Hallowe'en movies, so I didn't ask this year."

He rolled his eyes, he had only ever agreed because he wanted to spend more time with you. This year wouldn't be any different; it was too bad that the other three boys seem to share the same idea.

"I'd love to join," Jun gave you a very charming smile, much to the disgust of Dino who stuck his tongue out at the elder.

Ignoring him, Jun asked, "Where's Soonyoung and Minghao? They're doing the marathon, right?"

You wanted to clap but only ended up looking quite silly since you were still holding bits of your blanket. The cloth flapped around adorably. "Yeah, they're just in the kitchen making some popcorn."

He raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure that they won't burn the kitchen down?"

You blinked, "It's just the microwave, isn't it?" Not moments after the words left your lips, there was a forebodingly loud pop followed by the telltale scent of burnt popcorn.

"I told you that the microwave would be too strong, we always have to dial it back a couple of levels to get it to do the job normally." Minghao's accusatory tone was directed to the shorter male who was holding a mess of blackened popcorn.

"If you were so smart why didn't you do it?" Soonyoung hissed underneath his breath. He just wanted to impress you a little, be gentlemanly and make the popcorn for once. But not only did Minghao continuously pester him when he was trying to get the job done, he was now scolding him like he was the boss or something.

But your laughter fixed everything. Maybe not the cremated snack, but you waved off the problem and left to go fetch some chips you had prepared for this exact situation.

"Come on," you beckoned to them, "Let's get started."

Minghao placed himself at your feet while Jun and Dino each hogged one of your sides, which left Soonyoung in something of a pickle. Sitting elsewhere would be like admitting defeat, and there was no such thing as defeat in his dictionary. So, he propped himself on his elbows behind your head, determined to remain standing for as long as it was necessary.

Seeing that Soonyoung was standing, you gestured for him to sit on the loveseat a few feet away, but he only shook his head and hit your head lightly, telling you to keep watching the movie that was now beginning to play.

. . .

You were fully engrossed in the gruesome film as the killer grew in strength and the victims weakened in number. The jump scares would cause you to flinch and turn away, but that reaction was nothing in comparison to the scared whisper screams that came from Dino.

The poor boy was quite terrified, his immunity of horror movies hasn't nearly been developed as Jun or Minghao's. His slightly quivering body was quite pitiful so you slid your hand into his slightly clammy one in an effort to quell his fear. The warmth of your hand helped more than he would like to admit as he found himself almost completely distracted from the movie.

However, when an extremely frightening scene began, the foreboding music accompanied by eerie sounds of discord, you found yourself inching closer and closer to the calm anchor to your other side. Jun could feel you drifting closer and welcomed you with a shoulder than you gratefully leaned into and hid your face in. He could feel his heart thumping erratically at your proximity and wondered why you were so terribly cute.

Soonyoung could also sense your distress at times, and he very happily took advantage of when your guard was down. His hands would smooth down your hair and you enjoyed his touch. He felt satisfied watching your quick breathing settle into normality because of him. A few times during the movies, you would turn back and encourage him to sit down. But he would refuse each time, wanting to stay where he was. He wasn't the best person with horror movies, however because he was so preoccupied with you, the movie did little to bother him.

Minghao was a little bored. These types of movies always did little for him, he found that the plot and stories were usually so linear and without depth that he couldn't even enjoy it. The worst type of movie, he believed, would be focused on scaring for just the sake of being scary. But he could put up with it, if only to spend some more time with you. However, he began to feel quite drowsy and your legs provided something for him to lean on. Soon he had fallen asleep and you felt the soft pressure of his head on your knees; you chuckled, he always had the tendency to pass out and you ran your fingers through his fluffy locks in a preoccupied way a few times, when you were bored with the current movie.

. . .

You shook Minghao's shoulder, "Wake up, marathon's done." His slumbering form didn't seem to react to your actions or words, he stayed motionless and unconscious.

When you glanced to your sides, you noticed that both Dino and Jun were also asleep and wondered how you could escape from this awkward trap. "Soonyoung?"

"Hm?" His sleepy voice came from behind you as you turned to face him. You were surprised by the lack of distance between your faces but continued, "They're all sleeping."

He sighed, "Of course they are. I'll help you move them to their rooms." Soonyoung rounded the couch to see you being held on by all sides, and felt jealousy burning in his chest. Just you kids wait.

But your happy smile distracted him from planning any sort of revenge. "Thanks, you're the best."

Soonyoung glowed as the two of you began the arduous task of moving three boys.

a/n first of three hallowe'en specials~ this was pretty much plotless fluff in gigantic paragraphs (why does it look so terrible...) next time: trick-or-treating with [           ] who might it be?

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