Seungkwan (IV)

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say hi to mr. misogynist

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seungkwan's voice was uncharacteristically spiteful, sure he may be sarcastic and very nearly mean sometimes, but never once has his voice been filled with so much cold anger.

vernon was quite fed-up in all honesty by all the griping and groaning that his friend had been doing over the past couple of days.

it all started a week ago.

so seungkwan had a crush. and said crush wanted nothing to do with him.

although she didn't seem to want to put it nicely, and turned him down with a flat-out no before  just walking away as if she hadn't just broken his heart.

but it wasn't as if she was obligated to like him, so while she could have been kinder about it, she wasn't really at fault.

but that isn't how the heart-broken seungkwan thought about it. to him, she had deliberately broken his heart and her ice-cold refusal was nothing more than a slap on the face. it wasn't as if he was bad-looking and had no talents, he was quite the catch.

wasn't he?

well, that's what seungkwan told himself anyway.

. . .

"all women are the same, they don't care whatsoever who they might be hurting. they play you like a fiddle and don't even bother if they snap a string or two. it's unbelievable, how can they be so cruel?" seungkwan complained loudly as he paced the music room where vernon was decidedly ignoring him.

"women are so ungrateful, they can't even appreciate that men would take the time and energy, mustering their courage to confess their feelings. what do we get in return? a no. no explanations. just a refusal."

a knock interrupted seungkwan's griping and a relieved look appeared on vernon's harrowed face. backup has arrived. vernon eagerly opened the door to reveal a sunny and smiling boy as well as you, who was grinning just as brightly.

vernon tilted his head to the side in question. "seokmin, this is?"

"oh, she's our tech for the next show," seokmin gestured to to you. "this is vernon, he's our rapper."

"hey." you greet casually as you walk into the room. your eyes hone in on the sullen figure who was glaring at you for no real reason.

"don't mind him, he's being a baby." vernon grumbled as he fiddled with an earbud. you nod much to seungkwan's disgust.

now that there were others, especially a female, the miserable vocal toned down the complaining. however, he did seem to make some scathing remarks to you. but it seemed that you were totally oblivious and didn't respond at all. when the four of you began standing to leave, you wave cheerily. "bye vernon, it was nice meeting you."

vernon returned the gesture happily while you turned to the frowning boy who had been moping the entire time.

"and i wish i could say the same for you, mr. misogynist. but maybe i'll catch you at a better time," you smirk and disappear.

"what did she just call me?" seungkwan's nostrils flared.

"huh, that's actually pretty appropriate." vernon chuckled.

. . .

it was a few days before the show and there was tech rehearsal to work out any kinks that could appear only on stage. the performers and tech were doing basic introductions since it would kinda awkward if a total stranger was miking you up and all.

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