S.Coups (IV)

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for CoupsTasTuCoupsTasTu, sorry this took so long~ hopefully you like it 


To be very honest, you should've known better than to fall for another man's charms.

. . .

It felt like you had literally disappeared off the face of the earth for a couple of days but in reality, you had just marathon-ed a fifty-eight-episode long drama. It was nothing short of an obsession, but the costumes, soundtrack, and storyline were all equally enrapturing and you just couldn't get over the male lead.

Which was strange since you usually developed second-lead-syndrome, but perhaps it was because this male lead was too perfect. Although you loved him with the female lead, you still obsessed with his character; it wasn't as though you wanted to, but your feelings cannot be controlled.

. . .

When Seungcheol first noticed you huddled in a bundle with a fluffy blanket wrapped like a burrito, he knew you were getting into a drama. However, unlike the way you usually watched in a concentrated manner with minimal amounts of pausing and fangirling, this time was different.

It had been pretty standard for the first few hours, some excited burrito wriggling and excited gasps, but when it got to what he estimated to be the tenth or so episode, you lost your mind. He had never seen you so animated over a drama.

Your pretty lips were constantly parted in shock or curled into a beaming smile, he was tempted more than once to turn your attentions back to him. But the way your eyes sparkled with anticipation and curiosity as you watched was one of the most unguarded expressions he's seen you with, so he let it slide.

But then he heard it: a soft squeal of happiness. That's strange, theoretically speaking, you should only squeal with happiness at the ending, this seems early. And that was only the beginning. Suddenly you were beginning to change from just a viewer into a diehard fan, it was obvious.

Seungcheol wasn't blind, he knew what your affectionate expressions looked like. The way your eyes would soften when he napped in your lap while sifting your fingers through his hair. The way your cheeks pinkened when he brushed his lips against yours. The way your lips would slip into an unconscious smile that ached to be kissed.

And he was seeing it all now. Except not directed to him, to the small screen of your cell phone.


Annoyance welled in his stomach as he glanced at you again while you smiled so hard your cheeks had to hurt, what was so good about this drama?

. . .

You were more rushed than usual as you shoveled the food down your gullet, clearly, you were eager to get back to your drama. Your boyfriend frowned, you had spent the better part of the weekend watching your phone instead of with him.

"Why do you like this drama so much?"

You immediately perked up and Seungcheol felt slightly bitter that his earlier attempts at conversation were met with empty hums and distracted nods. "'Cause it's good! The plotline and concept are so freaking fascinating and the costumes look A1. The characters are amazing too, I love the lead actors, their feelings seem so raw and moving."

"Sounds interesting," he muttered, noting the way your eyes twinkled with energy, "Don't love those actors too much, okay?"

The warning went through one ear and out the other.

. . .

Seungcheol thought he would be free of once you finished the drama, but little did he know that it would somehow get even worse.

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