Vernon (II)

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It was perfect weather for the beach. The sun shone brightly, reflecting off the grains of sand that lay beneath your feet. There were a couple of clouds in the sky, but the sparse puffy clouds made for a stunning view against the cerulean blue.

Your wide-brimmed sunhat was placed loosely on your head of hair that was plaited so as little as possible would be soaked. As you breathed in the sea breeze, you felt an invigorating rush of energy that flowed to the tips of your toes. You stretched up, opening your hands so that your palms could catch the warming sunlight.

Vernon smiled at your antics, basking in your presence rather than the sun.

The two of you were on a well-deserved break, both of you had been so swamped with work and responsibilities that a fun little trip was more than due. He could still see the overjoyed and excited smile that he had seen last night and this morning on your face, nothing could warm his heart as you had the capability to.

Your flip flops came off and you took off in a run on the still mostly empty sand, however just as you were about to enter the water you halted and turned back. You returned to his side before reaching for the hand that wasn't carrying the beach umbrella.

"Come on!" Your entire demeanor was so childlike and innocent that Vernon resisted the urge to pinch your cheeks.

"I'd love to, but somebody left me with all these things to set up." He teased, light brown eyes sparkling.

You rolled your eyes in response before tugging the giant umbrella out of his grasp and hiking it over your shoulder. "Well then, grab the chairs and let's get it over with. I can't wait to go into the water."

"Ack! Help!" You were flailing slightly as you were trying to set up the umbrella, trying to get the thing to balance was a pain every single time. Vernon immediately dropped the foldable chair, he had just taken it out of the bag, onto the ground. He just barely caught the umbrella as it was teetering its way onto the sand.

Vernon smirked a little, "You could've just asked for help earlier y'know. It's impossible to set these things up without someone holding it still."

"Oh hush," you chided, a blush on your cheeks. "I'm trying my best here."

A moment later the set up was complete. You quickly took off your hat and set it onto a chair and your cover up followed suit, revealing your swimsuit clad body. Vernon let out an appreciative whistle which earned him a hit on his stomach, which happened to feel quite firm.

You snickered at the face he was making. "What did you expect was going to happen? Commend you for wolf-whistling your girlfriend?"

"Hey, at least I didn't do this," he said before quickly giving your bum a little tap before he started running.

"Choi Hansol!" You took off after him.

. . .

When the two of you had finally returned to your set-up, you had a cheeky smile on your face while Vernon sported a single throbbing ear. The two of you had tired yourselves out quite a bit due to the wild chase that had just occurred so both rested a little on the white sand. Vernon was sitting with his eyes closed while he rested underneath the shade of the umbrella, you were playing with the fine grains of sand, relishing in the feeling of its silky feeling between your fingers.

After a while your voice broke the silence, "Look at this."

Vernon cracked an eye open, glancing at the stupid message you had written in the message for him. Why would you say Vernon when you can say Ver-oui? (In case you don't speak French, non means no whereas oui means yes)

"How did you come up with something so incredibly-"

"If you aren't going to say hilarious I suggest you cut your sentence short," you playfully threatened before standing up and walking closer to where your boyfriend sat and grabbing his hand that was dangling off an armrest. "Can we go swimming now?"

"Sure, just let me get this shirt off." And now you had to stop yourself from whistling. Vernon looked good.

There was a sly smile on his face when he saw how you were looking at him. When he caught your gaze, he sent you an obnoxiously sleazy wink. "Like what you see?"

"Just because you know you look hot doesn't mean you get to rub it in." You grumbled while looking the other direction, feeling embarrassed.

"I didn't say to stop looking," Vernon saw that you were flustered, and as cute as you looked he couldn't have you being unhappy for the second time this morning. "In fact, it makes me feel better that my stunning girlfriend finds me just as attractive as I find her."

The happy smile that was sent his way caused his heartbeat to go a little faster and he could feel the corners of his mouth lifting in response.

With your hand in his, you started to pull him to the water only to have him yank much harder on your arm. You did not win the tug-of-war and ended up falling into Vernon's warm chest.

"Where do you think you're going without any sunscreen on?"

You pouted, "Do I have to? I hate the oily feeling it's so uncomfortable."

Vernon chuckled lowly, "If you want to be sunburned, be my guest." He held out the bottle of the vile substance and you extended your hand reluctantly to receive the sunscreen. After giving you a generous amount he did the same for himself.

You began to slather the stuff onto your legs and any visible body parts you could reach, when you got to your face however, you got an idea.

"I'm done!" You faced Vernon with two thumbs up and a dorky grin.

He wanted to face palm when he saw that you had swiped two lines of white onto your cheeks as if you were a football player. But it was cute, not that he was going to say so lest he want similar things to occur more often.

"If you won't do it, I will."

"Oh, alright," you muttered as you finished applying sunscreen onto your smiling face. You had caught how Vernon's lips twitched as if he was trying to tamper down a smile.

Just as you were finishing your neck, a pair of hands covered in what you knew was more sunscreen landed themselves onto the juncture of your neck before moving to your exposed shoulders. As he smoothed his hands across any skin that wasn't covered, you relaxed into his touch, the feel of his hands, even covered in sunscreen, felt very nice.

"My turn," Vernon had a very self-satisfied grin on his face as he removed his hands from your back. He saw the tell-tale tiny slump of disappointment when he had stopped; he dropped to bottle of sunscreen into your hands.

This may be the only time you would enjoy applying sunscreen you thought as you began to apply it onto Vernon's bare back. While he wasn't the most muscular by any standards, there was a clear definition of muscle that you could feel beneath your palms.

When you had finished, Vernon felt a little wave of dissatisfaction, mainly because he didn't want it to end.

"Now we can go swimming!"

The pair of you made your way into the water, spending the rest of the day at the beach.

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