Hoshi (II)

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You looked up from your work when your Functions teacher called you up from his desk, you were working through the homework of the day and was slightly annoyed that you were interrupted.

"Yes?" You asked when were there. You saw that there was a boy that stood with a dejection written all over his face.

"Do you know Soonyoung?" Mr. F asked, with a frustrated expression on his face. However, this was clearly directed to the boy and not to you.

You shrugged, "I don't know him very well, sir. But was there an issue you wanted to speak to me about?"

Your teacher pinched the bridge of his nose as he spoke, "I know you hate tutoring but I really need you to tutor him for the rest of the year. Whenever you decide to tutor, the results are astounding."

You wanted to sigh but managed to hold it in. "Why is he so important that you would ask me to tutor, you know how I feel about teachers asking me to do so." While usual students wouldn't take this type of tone when speaking with their teachers, you could.

You had a rich history when it came to peer tutoring, any student that had you as a tutor was practically guaranteed a good mark. However, this in turn lead to many students hating the students you had tutored because they had believed that if the previously 'bad' students didn't have your help, they would've never been able to succeed. Of course, this is not the case at all. While you did help students to understand material better, your main lesson was getting these students to consistently study and practise their skills, which in turn results in better marks.

"Soonyoung is eligible for a scholarship for dance, and unfortunately he had decided to take Advanced Functions as his math credit," you watched as your teacher hefted a sigh, "And even more unfortunately, the Data Management classes are all full."

You pinned Soonyoung with a stare that borderlined a glare, "I hope you know that I have a very busy year and having to tutor someone who didn't plan for the future is the last thing I want."

Soonyoung felt a shiver run up his spine as he saw a dangerous glint in your usually placid eyes. He had never spoken to you but knew you were the best peer tutor in the school, he didn't have money for a real one so he had to pick a fellow student. However, he never would have thought that your character was surprisingly intimidating, whenever he saw you drifting through the halls, either with your friends or alone, your demeanor was friendly and open, nothing like right now.

"Alright I'll do it." You cursed your inability to turn down a fellow student in need. Your mind began to furiously schedule your days trying to fit in tutoring sessions in; this wasn't an easy feat considering you had many extra-curriculars you were part of.

. . .

The public library was silent as usual as you sped through the questions on carboxylic acids and esters in a race against time. You had an appointment with Soonyoung in only fifteen minutes so you were scrambling to get everything done so you would have one less thing to worry about after the tutoring session was over.

Just as you were putting the finishing touches on your flow chart for the different reactions needed to create different organic compounds, a hand tapped your shoulder shyly. You turned to see an adorable looking Soonyoung clutching a very heavy looking stack of books and binders.


You wanted to giggle at the cautious way he was speaking to you, perhaps you were too harsh when you were speaking with him last time. You grinned at him, eyes twinkling, "I don't bite, there's no need to be intimidated. Take a seat."

He slowly pulled out a chair after setting his stuff onto the desk, "You didn't seem all too happy with tutoring me, so I didn't really know what to expect."

You did giggle this time, a sound that Soonyoung found charming and wouldn't mind hearing again. "I do admit that I wasn't thrilled at the prospect of having tutor something on top of everything I already have going on. But," you paused turning to look seriously into his eyes. "If I say I will help you succeed I will put forth all of my effort to do so."

Soonyoung's heartbeat quickened by the tiniest fraction while he took in your words and demeanor.

"However. I can work hard to help you achieve what you set out to achieve, yet ultimately the choice lies with you," you continue, maintaining eye contact. "Because if you don't work for it I can't do anything. So, I want you to make me a promise."

You hold out your pinky expectantly and waited there until Soonyoung reluctantly looped his finger with yours.

"Repeat after me," you had a playful but nonetheless charming light in your eyes that contradicted the serious expression on your face. "I solemnly swear that I will do whatever my lovely tutor will assign me, and not hesitate to ask questions as well as extra help."

After he repeated the 'oath', you sent him a wide and joyful smile that sent Soonyoung into some sort of daze.

"Let's get started!"

. . .

"So?" You looped your arm through Soonyoung's, leaning lightly onto his arm as you tried to peer at his finals report. "What did you get?"

He tried to school his features into one of indifference, but you saw through it immediately. After interacting with the boy so much, a close friendship had sprung up. After a little while the two of you were meeting outside of tutoring sessions to just chat or hang out. Soonyoung never wanted to think too deeply about why he wanted to be around you so often, but he was beginning to understand why.

You nudged him playfully, "Come on, don't keep me in suspense! Open it."

The two of you watched with bated breath as the paper was slowly being drawn out of the envelope.

You squealed. And Soonyoung was confused as to why until he saw what his final grade in Advanced Functions was, and it was worth a squeal. (You had of course spotted it before he did, your eyes were much sharper than his, he had quickly learned.)

He was still staring in disbelief at the 90 on the paper when you wrapped your arms around him in a bear hug.


Soonyoung would look back onto this moment many times but he could never decide what exactly made him do it. Was it your exuberant smile, emanating so much happiness on his behalf? Or maybe it was your eyes, filled with so much earnest feeling? Or perhaps it was just his desires acting out in an unrestrained manner due to his sheer joy.

But in the end, it mattered not how it happened, but that it happened.

In nothing but a few heartbeats' time, his lips had been pressed against yours. As startled as you were, it only took a few moments before you responded wholeheartedly.

When Soonyoung pulled away reluctantly, he had to resist the urge to kiss you again. You looked quite tempting with your cheeks flushed adorably.

"So, uh, will you go out with me?" You wondered how a guy who could kiss like that could appear so bashfully unsure.

"I'd love to if dating my student wasn't such a creepy thought."

Soonyoung groaned, "Can't you give me a break?"

You snickered before answering, "Of course I'll go out with you, dummy."

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