Hoshi (III)

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Hoshi could dance. But the stupid game seems to think he can't.

. . .

It was cloudy day, the sun tried its hardest to shine past the thick clouds but didn't seem to having much luck. Hoshi was on the couch, not exactly moping, but lying there like a lump on a log.

"I'm bored." He called out loudly, "Entertain me."

You poked your head out of your study, "How about no."

"But cuddlebear! Please?" Hoshi dragged himself off the couch and towards where you were, "You've been in there the entire day and I wanna play with you."

"Don't call me that," but the smile on your face seemed to contradict your words. "I've got some stuff to read over first and then I'll come 'entertain' you." You sent him a suggestive wink and watched in amusement as your boyfriend's cheeks bloomed with colour.

Your laughter caused Hoshi to realize that you were only teasing him. "You're mean."

"Not my fault you've got a dirty mind."

"I'll show you dirty mind," Hoshi stomped himself to the doorway of the room you were still in, determined to kiss the living daylights out of you when a game hit his chest. With his reflexes, he caught it before it fell onto the ground.

"Just Dance?" Hoshi looked at the cover in confusion; it was covered with bright colours and strange faceless people in obnoxious outfits.

You grinned widely as you spoke, "It's a dancing game for the Wii, give at whirl and see how you do. You're a hotshot dancer, aren't you? See if you can beat the high score in there."

"That doesn't sound very fun," Hoshi mumbled, studying the back of the case now, "Hey there's that PSY song."

"I'll come play with you later, alright?" You began to close the door, "Have fun!"

"Hey! Play with me now."

You had already closed the door so you called out loudly, "Beat the high score and then call me."

"Humph, this game is probably for non-dancers. It'll be a breeze."

. . .

Hoshi was actually sweating. This stupid game was the cause behind the beads of liquid that were dripping from his hairline to his chin. And he still couldn't beat the stupid high score on it, put in by some genius called 'Happy'.

He was doing all the moves perfectly, he was following the little dancing person in the screen with rapt attention, but he could never get 'Perfect' it was always 'Good', or "OK" or that infuriating 'x'.

"This game has to be rigged!" Hoshi was beyond frustrated, "If I can't do it, who can?"

"Wow, you're really bad." You commented offhandedly as you looked at the pathetic three stars that he earned through his painstaking efforts. You weren't exactly surprised, the game wasn't made for real dancers at all, you just had to move the remote in a certain manner to guarantee more points.

Hoshi was puffing out breaths as he replied, "I'd like to see you do better." There was no way you could be any better than he was. "I'll eat my sock if you do better."

"You shouldn't be saying things you'll regret," you sing-song as you pick up the other wii controller and strap it onto your wrist. "You're call, pick a song."

. . .

Perfect! Perfect! Perfect!

Hoshi forgot to dance himself as he watched you in total shock. How were you doing it? You were just standing there; the only real movement came from the hand that was holding the remote.


You looked like you were having a blast, singing along to the song while waving your arm about in seemingly crazy movements. But you were scoring perfects the entire time, not missing a single beat, especially for the special 'Yeah!'s.

"You're cheating!" Hoshi accused, voice full of frustration and desperation.

You glanced at him, totally relaxed with a smug smile on your face. "Babe, like I need to cheat to beat you. Just admit it, you can't dance. Or least, can't Just Dance."

"I can dance, this stupid game just doesn't understand it!" Hoshi glared at the screen with a baleful glare, "It's absurd."

"Oh, making excuses now?" You continuously needled, watching him grow more and more huffy by the second as he continued to dance. He was in complete focus as he copied the movements on the screen, but to no avail. You still beat him by leaps and bounds.

"I quit!" Hoshi threw the controller onto the couch before storming off into his room. "This game is terrible!"

You wondered if it made you bad girlfriend if you found this hilarious.

Hoshi the dancer sucks at Just Dance, you wondered if there was ever a more perfect irony.

. . .

"Soonyoung?" You knocked on the bedroom door softly, "It's time for dinner."

"Go away." His muffled voice came from behind the door as you began opening it. You wanted to giggle at how childish he was being. It was strangely endearing.

As you opened the door you saw a towel discarded on one of the corners of the room, he must've showered. You recalled that he was sweating quite profusely while playing earlier and swallowed back another bout of laughter. You turned your gaze onto the bed; Hoshi was laying on his stomach while he watched a video on his phone with a pillow tucked underneath his chin.

Hoshi knew you had entered the room, but refused to even glance at you. However, as your footsteps drew closer and closer, you saw him begin to grow increasingly tense.

You sat down on the edge of the bed and brought your lips to Hoshi's ear. "Soonyoung," you called, making your voice purposefully breathy and soft. You were very entertained by his little involuntary shiver before you jabbed him on his squishy cheek. "Stop throwing a hissy fit."

One moment he was still lying and in the other he was upright, resting on his shins; the movement was so fluid and quick that you still hadn't moved a breath.

"My girlfriend doesn't love me. She isn't a good cuddlebear." Hoshi sent you a scathing glare as he frowned. But you could see the impish grin that was fighting to show itself and you felt yourself doing the same.

An overdone look of sincerity accompanied the words, "Oh no, how horrid of me," you brought a hand to your chest to exaggerate it further, "Whatever should I do to win back my love's affection?"

You blink and Hoshi is in front of you, tantalisingly close. You let out a gasp of surprise and he takes advantage of your momentary lack of defense and sweeps in for a kiss.

You could never tire of his kisses, the feeling of his lips on yours was one of the most addicting things, by far better than any drug. As the kiss went on, your hands made their way into his still damp hair, mussing it up even further.

When the two of you broke away for breath, you grinned, "So dinner?"

"Hm, how 'bout dessert first?"

You rolled your eyes, "No, sto–" You were cut off before you could voice your disagreement by yet another kiss.

"If you don't stop–" You tried to speak yet again.


You didn't bother attempting to saying anything more; Hoshi proved to be very convincing. 

a/n hei ;) hallowe'en specials anyone?

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