Mingyu (III)

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It was raining that day.

. . .

"No." Mingyu couldn't believe what he was seeing, his long-time girlfriend was pressed up against the wall while some boy kissed her with complete passion.

It couldn't be happening, it just couldn't.

More than the pain, more than the hurt, rage that burned white rather than red erupted inside him. How dare she? He had been nothing but good to her, he treated her with respect, gave her compliments and gifts.

But in the back of his mind he knew this was going to happen. He had never been truly invested in the relationship, he never planned on letting her into his life completely, so he could've expected it.

However, this was no excuse for what she was doing now; Mingyu deserved at least enough respect to be told that the relationship should end. But no, he had to find out through this obscene display of physical affection.

"I hope you guys are enjoying yourselves there," he called out, his voice was tight with pain and fury, "I'd hate to intrude, but there is a thing I need to straighten out before I leave."

The two froze, identical expressions of shock appeared on their faces.

A cold little smile appeared on Mingyu's lips. "You," he pointed at his former girlfriend, "have been dumped, not because you are making out with one of my now ex-friends, but because you didn't even have the decency to tell me that you didn't want the relationship anymore."

"And you," His eyes took on a slightly sinister glint when he turned to the now slightly pale boy, "Are a pretty low human being. Very impulsive, no self-control. Good luck with the rest of your life, scrap picker."

Despite the fact he had walked away with most of his dignity intact, he couldn't stop the overwhelmingly negative feelings from swarming him. While his girlfriend wasn't what he had been looking for, in the beginning, she was kind and sweet. She wouldn't mind waiting an hour after school every day for him to finish practise. Except he had found out what she may have been passing her time doing recently while he was busy.

Mingyu sighed, a depressed sound that was amplified by the emptiness of the halls. He was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he didn't notice the foreboding shade of dark gray in the sky when he began to walk home from school.

He hadn't even made it across the school football field when the rain began, and when it started, it poured. He was completely soaked from head to toe within a matter of seconds; he quickly looked around through the downpour to see any type thing that would serve as a shelter. He sprinted towards the bleachers, although it wouldn't block all the rain, it would help somewhat. A thought crossed his mind that he may bump into some druggies, but he realized that they wouldn't be outside smoking in this weather.

After ducking behind the bleachers, he spotted someone. A someone who was huddled underneath a rain jacket, the thing was draped over you like a tent covering; the jacket managed to keep you mostly dry as you sat there unmoving. When you heard someone approach however, you looked up, wondering if you would have to leave now. You didn't want anyone to see you in this state, yet when you met the intruder's eyes you saw something you recognized.

You saw the same expression you had been wearing for the past few weeks. Hurt, confusion, and anger all fighting for control.

Mingyu watched carefully as you stuck a hand out from underneath the jacket and patted the ground beside you. When he looked up to meet your gaze unsurely, the depths of your eyes enthralled him; they held a mix of many sentiments, the primary one he could see was inviting but it was imbued by an overcast expression of sadness.

He walked over slowly, unsure of what to expect. But when he plopped himself down on the wet soil, he didn't expect part of the jacket to fall over his head. A hand reached up and pushed at his shoulder, "Hunch down a bit, you're too tall." Your voice was subdued and quiet.

Mingyu obliged, curling into a smaller ball while he studied you through the corner of his eye. You were strange.

You weren't looking at him when you spoke, "Someone broke your heart."

He chuckled emptily, "And someone broke yours."

You nodded slowly, "He was perfect, so I suppose it was natural he was going leave me for someone 'better'." Your laugh was dry, unlike the still storming weather, "But now all I have left is a broken heart."

"No you don't." Mingyu couldn't help but to cut in, "I see someone who is much more than a broken heart."

Your lips curled at the edges as you turned to face this boy you had never talked to before this day, "Well, you're much more optimistic about this than I am."

Suddenly Mingyu's stomach growled, the sound clearly heard by you because of your proximity. The redness of a blush spread across his cheeks, while you cracked a little smile as you reached into a backpack beside you.

"Here," you held out half of a sandwich, a delicious looking sandwich.

Mingyu took it from your cold fingers before viciously tearing into it, he chewed quickly before slowing down and enjoying it. "This tastes amazing, thank you."

You nodded, eating the other half of the sandwich with a pensive expression on your face as you stared out at the rain that fell across the field. The two of you ate in silence, but as time passed, Mingyu found himself less angry and more lost than anything. The full force of what happened seemed to morph from a righteous hurt to just a strange sense of emptiness.

"She wasn't worth it," you spoke, startling the tall boy. You dusted off the flour that lightly coated your fingers from the baguette bread.

He turned his head to lock his eyes onto yours, "Just like he wasn't worth it."

You couldn't hold his gaze and began to tear lightly at the grass you were sitting on, "That's what I try telling myself every day."

"I'll believe that she wasn't worth it if you believe he wasn't," Mingyu couldn't help it, for an inexplicable reason, this stranger's happiness seemed so very important.

You paused your motions before a soft whisper escaped your parted lips, "Promise?"

"Promise," he replied, voice deep and solemn. He reached over slowly to loop his finger with the one you extended. You were still looking away from him, a slight flush of embarrassment on your cheeks.

You smiled when you felt the light pressure of his pinky, "He wasn't worth it."

Mingyu wondered if smiles were contagious because he found himself mirroring your expression. "She wasn't worth it."

Suddenly a shudder ran through your body, the constant damp and chilly air was making you quite cold. The jacket which had originally covered you entirely was being shared by someone else, which left you vulnerable to the cool air.

"Come a little closer," Mingyu suggested when he saw you shivering, "It'll help."

You puffed, "Why don't you? I was already kind enough to lend you my jacket."

He chuckled at your words, a sound that was already more alive than it was mere moments ago. "Is that an invitation?"

"Mhmm," you hummed softly.

He scooted himself closer until the two of you were touching, his arm very naturally wrapped around your curled shoulders. You didn't voice any complaint and very softly rested your head against his chest.

Your voice was cloudy with fatigue when you spoke, "You're warm."

Mingyu's smile grew wider, "And you're sleepy."

You nodded, your cheek rubbing lightly against his torso. "Wake me up when the rain stops."

There was some kind of emotion that was causing his heart to beat just a second faster when he looked at your gently slumbering self. Mingyu moved the arm he had around you to gently stroke your slightly frizzy hair caused by the rain. He was so preoccupied with other thoughts that he hadn't even noticed that the rain had long stopped. 

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