Jun (IV)

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In which a giant egg falls from the sky.

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You'd consider yourself a pretty normal individual. There was nothing in particular that made you overwhelmingly different from others, a blessing you supposed as it allowed for you to live a relatively mundane life. But such normality didn't last for long when a gigantic egg fell from the sky.

It had been a pretty average day. So average that you could literally not remember anything that you did that day. The only memory that you had was the one that would change your life forever. As you were walking home all that you could focus on was the fact that you had to get home as soon as possible that nap wasn't going to take itself.

And that was when the egg appeared.

In one moment everything was perfectly fine and the next there was a gigantic egg that sat directly in front of you. You were a little concerned for the egg before realizing that it was so hard that it had managed to crack the concrete sidewalk. You were officially weirded out and discretely tried to walk around the egg thinking that perhaps you needed that nap more than you realized.

Just as you were about to leave it behind, there was a startling sound from the egg. A loud crack, but when you turned around thinking it had hatched, you were slightly horrified to see that it had cracked the pavement in order to roll itself towards you.

You booked it, sprinted as far as your body could take you before glancing back to see the egg right on your heels.


You quicken your pace again and hoped that you were just hallucinating and that when you reached home the monstrous egg would disappear.

Sadly, the egg bouncing up the stairs killed that hope. You considered locking your door up and wishing it away but the thought of it ramming into your door repeatedly to get to you made you change your mind.

Fortunately, the egg didn't seem to hold any malicious intent, although an egg with malicious intent would be hard to find anywhere. (Unless it was a deviled egg.) So, you decide to graciously invite the egg into your living-room and leave it there for the time being.

It was content to roll about the furry rug while you made yourself a quick dinner. Perhaps you were feeling more vindictive than you thought as you satisfied your cravings for some scrambled eggs.

The egg in your living room shivered acutely when you cracked each egg open. But it still stayed put on the carpet. When you readied yourself for bed, you left a blanket on the giant egg on the rug. The egg happily wrapped itself in the old and threadbare blanket before you left it for the night.

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Late at night while you were asleep, the egg glowed brightly and began to crack. The white light permeated the entire room and a pair of startling clear eyes began to blink open.

. . .

The warm spring sun should've woken you, but it was something else, a soft and ticklish sensation brushed your cheek and you twitched in discomfort. When you finally woke up, you were startled by the sight of massive white plumage obscuring your view. Thinking that perhaps your pillow had somehow exploded during the night, you were in for a complete shock when you brushed the feathers away from your eyes to see an expanse of pale naked skin.

"Oh my gosh." You were two seconds away from screeching at the top of your lungs when a face, a stunningly handsome and conveniently breathtaking face was right in front of yours.

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