DK (I)

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"Come on," Seokmin encouraged, gently nudging your side. You were buried in blankets with a pillow tucked underneath your back while you read.

You pouted a little, knowing that you would give in. You could never really defend against his pleading eyes. Somehow his sharply sculpted features would be able to transform into the definition of imploring adorableness.

"Let's go," he tugged the blankets off your body and proceeded to run his fingers up and down your sides.

You began to squirm immediately, your face scrunching up in the most endearing way to Seokmin as he continued to gleefully torture you.

After the tickling session he proceeded to flop on top of your prone body.

"Oomph," you grumbled, "Get off you lump."

"Don't wanna," Seokmin mumbled as he brought his face increasingly close to yours. His proximity caused your breath to catch in your throat, you couldn't help the instinctual reaction, he would always cause your body to react in this way. You could feel his soft breathing upon your cheeks but just as your lips were about to touch, Seokmin disappeared. He pulled away so suddenly that you felt terribly cold without him.

"Get up," Seokmin wheedled again, chuckling at the woebegone expression you were wearing.

"You're mean." You groused, yet you still grabbed a sweater and took the outstretched hand offered by your boyfriend.

Seokmin had dragged you to some godforsaken park and as if that wasn't enough pushed you through a mosquito infested wood before he declared that you had reached the destination.

He quickly spread a quilt over the grassy ground and lay down on it as if he was some king reclined on the most luxurious bedding. He patted the space on his side sanguinely, a little smirk was accompanied by a raised eyebrow.

You sighed a little before going and lying down beside him, pointedly not touching him or looking at him.

"Are you sulking? I took you out here to stargaze," he teased lightly, "Or did you want a kiss?"

You bit your lip slightly as you sent an exasperated look of affection towards Seokmin. He drew in a quick breath, you looked so captivating in that moment.

You watched as he rolled over onto his stomach, closing the distance between the two of you. You giggled, "Why aren't you 'stargazing', since you dragged me out here after all."

A wide smile lit up the night. "Why would I need to look in the sky for stars when the brightest one is here next to me?"

Although the line was beyond cheesy, that didn't stop you from blushing.

Seokmin brought a hand to rest on your cheek as he leaned closer, eyes closing. You waited until he was a hairsbreadth away before instantaneously turning your face to the side (the side his hand wasn't holding your cheek with).

He opened his eyes when he realized he was only kissing your cheek. He chuckled, "I deserved that didn't I."

You smirked, "It's good that you know."

Seokmin rolls his eyes good-naturedly before sweeping down and capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.

a/n and the first batch is done! how time flies~ there is more where this came from, im nearly done my second batch, which are all (mostly) over 1k ;) 

feel free to request (high chance ill do it if youre first)

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