Wonwoo (V)

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It was snowing, not the pathetic couple of flakes fluttering to the ground but a genuine flurry of snow, enough to limit your view of the tiny backyard.

. . .

As soon as you woke up this morning, your cheek pressed against Wonwoo's warm chest you knew you were having a lazy day. The feeling of lethargy seemed quite permanent as you twined your arms better around his torso, letting the soothing heat the emanated from him lull you back to slumber.

However, right before you fell to sleep, your eyes happened upon the window that the two of you had forgotten to pull the blinds for and was startled to see the blizzard that obscured anything but the snow.

But you would worry about that later as you let sleep reclaim you.

. . .

It was a lazy day, so you were tucked nicely in your heated blanket in a corner of the couch. You had spent a few hours engrossed in a fascinating novel and was now staring at the snow that never seemed to cease. You felt nice and warm, but something was missing.


"Yes?" He answered, his voice coming from his home office. "Is something up?"

"Yeah," you had a playful grin on your lips, one that Wonwoo knew was there simply from the tone of your voice. "I wanna cuddle."

The tall male chuckled quietly before replying, "Why are you such a baby?"

"Jerk." You pouted unhappily, "When will you be done?"

"Give me an hour or two." Although he said that, he was looking at his work wishing there was less so he could quickly envelop you in his arms. Just thinking about it, how your head would rest in the crook of his neck while you whispered softly when cuddling, caused his chest to grow warm.

"Fine." Was your sullen reply.

However, Wonwoo had already stepped out of his room and rounded the corner to see you curled adorably on the sofa. "But I can start the fireplace while you wait."

"Can I help? It's fun." You mumbled, eyelids already beginning to droop. You were much too comfortable where you were.

Wonwoo shook his head in amusement, you were too precious.

"Well I don't want to drag you out of your little nest there, so I'll just do it." He waited for your sleepy hum of agreement before stacking a few dry logs on top of some fire starters.

When he left, you were already deeply asleep.

. . .

When Wonwoo was finally done, he cheerfully made his way into the living room where your position had not changed in the slightest. Your head was tucked into your chest while your knees were brought close to conserve body heat. You looked comfortable; too bad he liked teasing you too much.

When he wrenched the blanket off your body, you reacted immediately, eyes blinking blearily while you curled yourself into a tighter ball.

Somehow, while you were sleepy, you mind reverted into a five-year old's, "Wonu, blanket please." You hand reached out pathetically, grabbing at nothing.

And he loved it, "Don't wanna."

Your lips formed a pout that was he was very tempted to kiss away, but your words distracted him, "But I love you."

A very obvious streak of red appeared across his cheeks, he could never really get used to you saying that. He relented, "Okay, alright." He admitted defeat and returned the blanket to your outstretched hands.

When you try to return to your original position, something seems off. The once comfortable space was missing something, "Wonu, come here."

A grin was on his face as he complied with your wishes. He already knew what was going to follow when he placed himself next to you; he opened his arms and you crawled obediently into the offered embrace. It took no longer than two seconds for you to settle yourself before resting your body against his and falling asleep once more.

The cackling fire paired with the comforting heat of your body was enough to send him swiftly to sleep after you.

. . .

You were warm. Not just physically but emotionally. Wonwoo's presence was just as comforting as the blanket that covered you both. Although, as you snuggled closer to him, maybe he beat the blanket by a small margin.

You didn't want to sleep anymore, your lengthy nap had done more than just rejuvenate you, it filled you with an excess energy you weren't sure what to do with. But you settled for studying Wonwoo's lovely face.

Strong nose, cheeks, and chin that you traced lightly with your fingertips. Eyes that were closed that you knew hid the smoothest umber brown. And his lips, full; pulled often into his signature smile while his eyes disappeared as his smile grew in size.

Turning away from his face, you began to shift yourself in his arms. You didn't notice that you were leaning further and further away from him as you looked around the room, watching the fire was still burning merrily.

Suddenly your pillow began to stir and Wonwoo let out a ridiculously puppy-like whine as he slowly awoke from slumber. And like some sort of puppy, he nuzzled your neck while pulling you back into his embrace.

The nuzzling didn't stay innocent for long and now it was his lips gently caressing your warm and sensitive skin. A hum of pleasure escaped your throat as you tilted your lead to the side to give him better access.

Warm fire and languid kisses, what more could you ask for?

. . .

a/n hi guys. canada is cold and i want a wonu to cuddle with.

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