Seungkwan (III)

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Seungkwan was the star.

. . .

Seungkwan wasn't sure if he wanted to cry of joy or despair.

He had originally auditioned for the second lead in the musical, but had ended up as main lead instead. He was in many ways still a rookie in the scene, and realized that he had his work cut out for him. He had only ever been a handful of productions, and while those went extremely well, they were decidedly much smaller in comparison to the role he currently had.

When his agent told him the news, he had painted an enormous smile on his face, but that disappeared as soon as he was alone once more.

Oh, he was screwed.

. . .

"Schedule the meeting with set design for this afternoon, we must have the final plans hammered out as soon as possible. We have to establish the scenery and how everything works quickly," the director rubbed his temples, "Are we missing anything?"

As the assistant director, although you were more of an assistant than anything right now, you furiously scribbled into your agenda while you replied. "Sir, we also need someone to speak with the actors and actresses and debrief them on the plans."

"Why can't we just email their agents?" He grumbled.

You shook your head, "They didn't want another fiasco like last time; it was a total catastrophe."

"Fine," he glanced at his watch, "I've got a meeting with one of the producers in ten, I'll leave the rest to you. Could you talk to the actors?"

"Do I have to, can't we send Shownu to do that?" You hated talking to the actors, usually they were such a pain to deal with. It would sometimes be impossible to talk sense into them.

"You know how he is, he's just going to let them walk all over him. Remember Kihyun?"

You shuddered, recalling the memory of the dangerously passive-aggressive man. "Alright."

. . .

Seungkwan sat nervously with the script in his hands, he wasn't sure what exactly he had been called down for, but he was expecting the worst. Perhaps they had found a better fit and would tell him that he was no longer needed or add some impossible song to sing into the already daunting musical.

"Boo Seungkwan?" A kind voice called out.

"That would be me," he dusted off some nonexistent dust from his trousers as he stood.

"Please come this way, the Assistant Director would like to have a word with you." A young girl, who hadn't spoken earlier directed him into a sophisticated looking office. 

When he approached the large wooden desk, he wouldn't help but to notice the attractive woman that sat there, smiling tiredly.

"Have a seat," you gestured to the chairs in front of your desk, "We've just got a few things to talk about.

Seungkwan held his breath, waiting for the verdict.

"Rehearsals will begin in two weeks, be ready for the first three scenes as well as the fourth scene in Act 2." You looked down at your notes, "I'm sure you've already begun to practise on your own time, but I just wanted to touch base with you."

You waited for a response, a confirmation, a denial, a hum of approval, or something, but when the silence stretched on, you felt increasingly awkward.

"Mr. Boo? Could you just give me some type of signal to know if you understood or heard what I just said?"

You studied the dazed gentleman who was sitting in front of you, "Boo Seungkwan?"

"Huh? Yeah?" His expression was still bewildered as he seemed in a state of shock.

"Is everything okay, sir?" You were a little concerned over his atypical behaviour, you couldn't very well have such a spacey type of person out on stage prone of accidents and sudden situations.

"No, no," he shook his head, his light brown hair slightly bouncing due to the movement, "I was just surprised, I was expecting you to fire me or something."

You chuckled, a pretty sound that Seungkwan found incredibly charming. "Now why would we do that? I saw your audition, and I can confirm that there isn't anyone else out there that can pull off this role as well as you can."

A redness appeared on the apples of his cheeks as he took in your words, "Wow, you really think that?"

Out of complete impulse, you reached out and lightly squeezed his hand that was resting uncomfortably on your desk, "I really do. Don't let me down."

The wide smile that Seungkwan gave you caused your normally normal heart to behave most unusually.

. . .

"Here," you handed a warmed mug of tea and honey into Seungkwan's tired hand, "This'll help."

He gave you a grateful look as he took the cup into his hands and took a cautious sip.

"Mhmmm," he croaked, "It's good."

You shushed him, "Stop talking, rest your voice some more. They really strained you yesterday."

You weren't sure what made you do it, but you found yourself beside him on the little sofa and running your fingers through the curls that had caught your eyes the first time you had spoken to him.

"...feels nice," his voice was barely above a whisper, "Don't stop."

"I won't."

. . .

Seungkwan was terrified. Totally excited, but terrified all the same.

The matinee show had gone off without a hitch, but he had heard through the grapevine that some of the tech crew had gotten into an argument and weren't speaking to each other this afternoon.

It was merely an hour until the show would begin; he was completely decked out in his costume and had nothing to do but practise lines he could recite even on his deathbed. Seeing that no one was paying any real attention on him at the moment, he took the chance to slip out of the dressing room and head through the backstage halls in search of something. A washroom maybe?

However, he had not even made it five metres before he ran right into you.

And you looked terrible. Your usual put together self was a totally frazzled mess, you also seemed to be in quite the mood.

"Seungkwan, what are you doing out here? It's nearly time for the opening!" You glanced quickly at your watch before consulting the schedule.

"Just stretching my legs, got a lot of nervous energy s'all." He mumbled, wondering if it was normal to still find you so beautiful even when you looked like you've been through a train wreck.

"What're you nervous about, you know you're going to blow their minds." You smiled, eyes sparkling with mirth. "You've got talent, and I know this is only just the first of your many, many successes."

Seized with sudden courage, Seungkwan rested his hand gently onto your elbow before pulling you closer to him. "Could I have a kiss for good luck then?"

A surprised little noise came from your throat when you heard his question; just his proximity reduced you to a puddle. You thought for a moment, "Kill the show I know you'll kill and maybe I'll think about it."

Seingkwan tried not be disappointed, but he was. "Oh, okay."

Looking at his adorably dejected face, your resolve softened and you speedily pressed your lips against his cheek, "Good luck." Right after the tiny peck, you dashed off somewhere in embarassment; he assumed incorrectly that you had something else to do.

A determined expression accompanied by one of joyous hope could be seen on Seungkwan's face as he brought a hand up to touch his cheek that still felt warm from your lips.

a/n happy turkey day for fellow canadiens 

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