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DK (a wizard!au don't ask lol)

"At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if you were a wizard."

. . .

The gentle rays of dawn sunlight glinted off the frame of a pair of perfectly round glasses. He watched as you gently brushed off the fine grains of dirt that clung stubbornly onto a precious artifact that you had unearthed from the tomb. But the early morning chill still hadn't worn off so he wrapped his red and yellow striped scarf more securely around his neck.

Seeing that you were finished for the time being he waited until you left before going towards the ruins himself and inspecting then for any subtle traces of errant magic.

. . .

Seokmin was a wizard. If you couldn't already gather from his Harry Potter getup. He personally found it quite amusing that people immediately rejected the notion of him being a truly magical wizard by his costume-y garb.

He knew what they thought, just an overzealous Harry Potter fan. Well, if it kept his identity safe, he happily donned clothing identical to the fictional British wizard.

The wizarding world hardly ever collided with the human world, but it wasn't as if he couldn't blend in, he had watched plenty of movies and television shows to pass of as your average, if not an eccentric young adult.

But being a wizard isn't all fun and games, he had been recently kicked out of the bachelor pad he shared with twelve of his buddies. Maybe that's why they threw him out? But then again it was more likely that they decided it was his turn to make some cash to pay for the large consumption of food.

Looking for a job hadn't been exactly easy, but he settled for working at an agency that dealt specifically with magic exposure. The Magic Exposure Elimination and Prevention. The MEEP, a lovely agency with lovely workers that are pretty much half off their rocker.

So that was how he ended up here, in the middle of an untouched jungle watching over you as you excavated a famous or rather infamous but still brilliant wizard that no doubt left layers upon layers of protective spells and aggressive curses in his final resting place.

To this day there was no explanation as to how the humans had even gotten their hands onto this sought-after grave, but fate is a finicky mistress. So here he was, disguised as an intern of the excavating group, he would frequently dispel any dangerous magic that threatened to cause you – or well anyone, really – harm.

Truly, all the people on the team had been more than welcoming and he found himself feeling right at home with them. Perhaps because they were every inch as weird as Seokmin himself, yet there was a certain oomph that he had that naturally allowed people to gravitate towards him.

However, it was you that held all the free attention that he had. In the past few months, he had grown unhealthily attracted to you. From your inexhaustible energy and passion to the way that you uplifted everyone's spirits with a dry but humorous comment.

Sadly, all he could do was watch you from afar, admiring your twinkling eyes and charming smile in the corner of his eye. How he wished he could see it up close, but there were a couple things that stood in the way of the two of you being together.

Fortunately, an old, and not to mention dead wizard with a sick sense of humour didn't seem to care a whit about that.

. . .

When the new chamber had been discovered, it emanated a gloom that everyone was intimidated by. It screamed of suppressed, depressed, and weary souls that were just yearning to feed on any energy it could stumble upon.

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